Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2679 This scolding is not wronged

That's the best way, so you don't have to worry about it

Yueqin didn't realize how naive she was until she was taken away by someone.

The imperial concubine is not such a low life like them, even if there is nothing wrong, how could the emperor spoil her like that, so how could he not investigate?

What a powerful person your Majesty is, but where can you not find out what the Majesty wants to investigate?

This girl is ignorant of worldly affairs, who is Su Peisheng's opponent?

Su Peisheng didn't need to use torture at all, and after threatening with a stern voice, she was so frightened that she burst into tears and snotted her nose and cried, and collapsed on the ground, stuttering and trying to recruit everything.

The matter was forced by Fang Fujin. She went out to buy the snake and the snake powder. She only told her where to buy it. How did Fujin know where it was sold and who he had contacted with? she doesn't know either

Su Peisheng asked over and over several times to make sure that the girl was not lying and that she had vomited out all she knew, so she ordered her to sign a bond and ordered her to be taken down and locked up.

It's easy to move a girl next to Fuyu, but if you want to move Fuyu, Rao Siye has given full authority, Su Peisheng really dare not go directly.

Had to bite the bullet and ask for instructions again.

After all, she is the queen's younger sister. The queen's body is weak and crumbling, but the last breath is not swallowed. Although it looks much worse than before, it may be a little difficult to watch. But, who knows?

Even if she has only her last breath left, it is not impossible for her to kill herself!

The fourth master saw Yueqin's confession and was furious. He glared at Su Peisheng and said sharply: "Since you have taken the confession, what are you still doing? Why don't you arrest the mastermind! Why? Take a lowly maid and give it to me Business trip?"

"No, no, the emperor forgives the sin! The emperor forgives the sin! The slave is going now." Eunuch Su was so frightened that he kowtowed in a hurry to plead guilty, got up and hurried away.

This scolding was not considered unjust, he knew he would suffer it.

Whenever there is something related to the imperial concubine, the emperor will be more concerned.

Wulanara Cai Fujin really shot himself in the foot this time

Not to mention the queen's sister, even the queen herself, I'm afraid it will end in a similar way.

Su Peisheng showed Yueqin's confession to Thirteenth Master and Thirteenth Fujin. Both of them had extremely ugly faces, so they naturally wouldn't intercede for Fuyu. take away.

Fuyu still didn't know whether she was dead or alive, her eyes were red with anger, her face was distorted, she struggled to curse and shouted for innocence, clamoring to go to the queen's sister to judge her, they shouldn't have wronged her like this.

Su Peisheng saw that she was so noisy that it was impossible to take her out, so he ordered someone to gag her mouth, put a cloth bag on her head, and dragged her away.

When they arrived at the temporary interrogation room, Fuyu was still swearing, confident, and refused to admit it at all.

Instead, he insisted that Yueqin was bought by Mu Jin to frame her deliberately.

As for why Mu Jin framed her, needless to say? The two had old grievances, and Mu Jin had long hated her to death!

Seeing that her sister's condition is getting worse and her health is getting worse, she has such vicious thoughts, not only to harm herself, but also to use it to stimulate her sister, intending to kill her.

The imperial concubine was favored, and everyone responded, and some people were willing to do things for her. She has plenty of money to buy people off.

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