Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2693 the queen is angry

With fourth master's temper, what Ji Mama did is purely sending her up to seek death.

Nanny Ji's face turned pale, she staggered and struggled to get up, and went away in a daze.

Even if she didn't meet the fourth master, the fourth master still knew about it, frowned and said to Mu Jin: "Come back next time, you don't have to let her go, ask someone to tie her up and send her to the House of Internal Affairs to lock her up! To save her from being like a plaster." Disgusting."

He was too lazy to argue with the queen.

Since the Queen intends to instruct an old servant to come out to make people unhappy, she should deal with it.

The queen's behavior is really very despised.

Mu Jin nodded and agreed.

Unexpectedly, after the fourth master went to court the next day, the queen came to Yikun Palace angrily with Wu Nama and a group of court ladies and eunuchs.

Mu Jin was very surprised, and quickly got up and led the crowd to salute the Queen.

The queen stared at Mu Jin sharply, raised her hand and hit Mu Jin on the face with a "snap!"

Mu Jin was caught off guard and couldn't dodge in time, her face suddenly became hot, she covered her face in surprise and anger: "What is the empress doing?"

"You still have the face to ask Bengong?" The queen sneered, pointed at her and said in a trembling voice: "You killed Ji Momo, yet you still dare to ask Bengong! Someone, take the imperial concubine to Bengong!"

Yanmao, Xiaotao, Xiaodouzi, etc. didn't care about shocking the news of Jimao's death, and hurried forward to block, the two sides were at war.

"I see who would dare!" Mu Jin was also taken aback, and couldn't help but said: "Mother Ji was fine yesterday, why did she die suddenly? But even if she died, what does it have to do with me? How does I know?"

"You don't know? Of course you won't admit it!" The Queen sneered, heartbroken: "Because of Fuyu's matter, Bengong's heart is inextricably hurt, and Mother Ji loves Bengong so much that she secretly came to Yikun Palace to beg You. She is doing it for the good of my palace, but her way of doing things is not right, which caused your concubine to lose face, and you are resentful in your heart, and sent someone to kill her in the middle of the night, what is there to quibble about?"

"Otherwise, why did she just come to Yikun Palace yesterday, and was found dead in the lotus pond early today? Mrs. Mu, you are a woman with a snake-hearted heart, and you are not worthy of being an imperial concubine! Today, I must do you No, no one can stop it!"

The people who followed after saying: "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you go up and take the Mu family to Ben Gong!"

"Yes, empress!"

The queen obviously came prepared, and the accompanying people were not only many, but also powerful. There are not only court ladies and eunuchs, but also six guards.

At this moment, Mu Jin vaguely understood in her heart that Mother Ji's sudden rush to beg her yesterday was probably the queen's intention. The queen deliberately wanted to frame herself with Mother Ji's life.

Mother Ji is dead now, and there is no proof of her death. The queen's suspicion, hehe, sounds like that.

Huaishan, Huaitang, Xiaodouzi, Xiaotao, etc. stepped forward, and the two sides refused to give in to each other, pushing and shoving for a while.

Grandma Wu snapped: "You guys are so courageous, you dare to disobey the empress's order, are you trying to rebel? The empress is in command of the harem, and if a life-threatening incident occurs, the people involved will naturally not be able to escape. The empress is just taking the imperial concubine down. Just asking questions, what are you blocking? Still not backing down!"

Mu Jin sneered and said, "The empress's one-sided words are not accurate. The empress wants to take me away, unless she has received the emperor's order, otherwise, I will not go with you!"

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