Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2701 She knows exactly how the injury on her face came about

"Queen," Fourth Master looked at the queen with calm eyes, "Is my guess right?"

"As for the injury on the queen's face, I don't know, and I don't want to guess how it was caused, but I'm sure it wasn't done by the imperial concubine! Queen, tell yourself, is my guess right?"

Mu Jindao: "Your Majesty, the concubines can swear, whether it is to the gods and Buddhas of heaven and earth, or to the ancestors, the concubines can swear, the scars on the queen's face have nothing to do with the concubines, it is definitely not the concubines. of!"

Fourth master looked at the queen with a blank expression on his face.

Although the fourth master didn't ask, the queen understood it. What the fourth master meant was that the imperial concubine dares to swear, queen, how about you? Do you dare to swear?

The queen trembled uncontrollably, the blood in her chest surged, she was angry and ashamed.

Of course she dared not swear.

She knows exactly how the injury on her face came about!

She hated Mu Jin so much, hated her words so much, at that moment, her heart was roaring crazily, and she urgently needed an outlet to vent, when she saw Mu Jin's gold hairpin falling within reach, she For some reason, he grabbed it suddenly and scratched his face.

Warm blood oozes out along with the tingling sensation of the skin being cut, and at that moment she actually felt a joy full of hatred.

She told herself that it was Mu's bitch who hurt her!

She's going to give that bitch an eye for an eye!

But at this moment, in front of Fourth Master, she was cut to pieces by Fourth Master's unhurried but cold words, and was humiliated by him.

In front of Mrs. Mu, in front of this bitch, he didn't give her any face.

"Yes, Your Majesty is wise! Everything you guessed is right!" The queen was sad and angry, and felt that she had been a joke in front of him all this time!

It turned out that he knew everything, he just didn't say anything, he watched everything with cold eyes.

That being the case, what else does she have to hide? What else is there to hide!

The empress was full of resentment and broke out unbearably: "The concubine hates her even if she dies, so what? If there were no concubines, she would be crying in the corner of Zhuangzi at this moment, or not?" Whether you live in this world or not, how can there be such a scene like today?"

"But how did she repay the concubine? She is usually eccentric and respectful on the surface, but she doesn't take the concubine seriously at all behind her back. Relying on the emperor's favor, who is she in her eyes? The concubine wants her to persuade the emperor Yulu Junzhan, she refuses, and the concubine wants to adopt a child, but she also refuses, and she always wants to rape the concubine and bully the concubine's natal family! Even the tributes that are paid everywhere, she is the first to pick the first one It's Chenqie's turn! This bitch, she is a white-eyed wolf! Chenqie only hates that she was neglected and failed to get rid of her early, so that she has become like this, she deserves it!"

"Without her, Fuyu wouldn't have ended up like this, and my concubine wouldn't be depressed all day long. How could I not hate her? Having someone like her in the harem is a disaster! In this harem, the emperor might as well Ask all the concubines and nobles, who doesn't hate her and hate her?"

"The emperor doesn't need to investigate anymore. Mother Ji was the victim of this palace. I only regret that I didn't come early enough to take down this bitch!"

There was no sound in the warm pavilion.

Grandma Wu was dizzy, she was already on the verge of going crazy, she wanted to persuade her, but she didn't dare to speak out in front of Fourth Master.

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