Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2709 I really have some expectations

Fourth Master lowered his head and kissed her, looked at her and smiled, and said casually: "My next queen will only be Jin'er."

Therefore, the power to rule the sixth house will belong to her sooner or later.

Although he had already expected that after the empress couldn't survive, the position of empress would probably be his own, but Mu Jin was still a little shocked when he heard these words from the mouth of the fourth master.

This is not a gift of a pair of golden hairpins or a piece of beautiful jade, this is the position of queen.

Mu Jin nodded slightly, "Yes", and hooked her lips at Fourth Master: "The concubine will not push it away anymore."

She felt a little dreamy and dazed, "Did the emperor say that he would enshrine his concubines as queens in the future? The concubines sound like a dream."

It's so unreal! One day I can be the mother of the world? ?

The fourth master was amused by this, and lightly bit her chin with a low smile and said, "Who else can there be except Jin'er?"

Mu Jin also laughed.

In Yikun Palace, there is warmth and tenderness, but in Zhongcui Palace, it is full of gloomy clouds and mist.

Although Wumao, Runqiu, Chunlu and the others escaped by chance, they stayed behind, but the scene of the guards arresting people like wolves and tigers was still vivid in their minds, which made them terrified.

Regarding the death of Nanny Ji, although the queen and Nanny Wu insisted that she was the imperial concubine, Runqiu, Chunlu and other people who served the queen more or less guessed it a little bit.

In front of the queen, I was even more afraid.

Ji Momo has always been loyal to the queen. After serving the queen for so many years, if she was abandoned by the queen, how much weight do others have in the queen's heart?

Everyone is trembling.

Grandma Wu seemed to be ten years older. She retreated from the crowd and knelt down in front of the queen's bed with tears streaming down her face: "Empress, empress, what will you do from now on! It's the fault of the old slave, it's the fault of the old slave Wrong"

It was she who didn't persuade the queen early, it was her dereliction of duty.

In fact, the queen's temperament has long been out of order, she knew it very well, but she was afraid of offending the queen, so she didn't dare to persuade her, and sometimes she had to indulge the queen's temper.

As a result, it got to where it is now step by step.

She is not as good as Mother Ji!

Mother Ji's death was too wronged!

If she was the same as Nanny Ji, if both of them were good and sincere in persuading and enlightening the queen, would everything be different?

The empress is doomed to have no children, and she is firmly in the middle palace, so why bother to fight for it?

Why do you have to have trouble with the imperial concubine?

The queen's chest was covered with half of a brocade quilt, and the brighter the apricot-colored quilt embroidered with hibiscus, the more haggard her complexion was.

She was dying and laying on the big pillow, watching Mama Wu crying so much that she felt remorseful and wanted to reach out to help her but was trembling and powerless.

When Mammy Wu's crying gradually subsided, the queen sighed and said, "Okay mammy, you get up, sit down, don't kneel down. It's not your fault, nor this palace's fault, it's wrong, it's emperor."

Grandma Wu raised her head to look at the queen in horror, and forgot to cry for a moment.

The empress sneered, with cold and stern lines on her thin face: "The emperor only favors the imperial concubine, which is against the peace of heaven and not the way of an emperor. He is obsessed with obsession and refuses to listen to my palace's advice. Sooner or later he will suffer bitter retribution!"

"The harem has always required the emperor to share the rain and dew, because it is inextricably involved with the previous dynasty. It is related to the court and the country. How can he let him decide by his own happiness and anger?"

"Let's wait and see. Wait for the drafts again and again. There will be such a lively newcomer entering the palace, hahaha! I really look forward to it."

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