Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2719 You can't hide this matter

"Stop!" Concubine De burst into her head angrily.

Mu Jin looked at her, "What orders does the Concubine Tai have?"

Concubine De raised her eyebrows: "I heard that the emperor rested in Yikun Palace last night?"

As soon as these words came out, Concubine Qi and others all changed their colors, and nobleman Jing even lowered her head subconsciously and backed away, afraid that Mu Jin would see her remembering the old debt and settle with herself.

If the emperor didn't stay at the empress's house during the New Year's festival and the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, he would stay in the Hall of Mental Cultivation by himself, and would never summon concubines to sleep with him. This is a respect for the central palace.

But yesterday's New Year's Eve, the emperor rested in Yikun Palace, doesn't it mean that the emperor already treats the imperial concubine as a queen in his heart.

Rao, everyone originally thought that the emperor would treat the imperial concubine like this, but now hearing this, they still feel uncomfortable.

There is no way to hide this matter, and besides, there is no need to hide it.

"Yes." Mu Jin said.

"Presumptuous!" Concubine De scolded coldly: "Mu, the emperor can only rest at the empress's place on New Year's Eve, but I don't remember when the emperor canonized you as empress. On a day like yesterday, you dare to stay with the emperor overnight." ?”

"Empress Daxing passed away early, and the emperor was deeply saddened. He has been resting in Yikun Palace for a while, so at least someone comforted him, but yesterday you overstepped it!"

Mu Jin said lightly: "Nowadays there is no empress in the palace. The emperor can rest wherever he wants. There is no disrespect or shame for anyone. It will not have any bad influence on the palace. Why bother to talk too much? Besides Now, the state affairs are busy, the emperor is exhausted every day, everything in the harem should be based on the emperor's wishes, the emperor is just a concubine, there is really no need to make a fuss."

"Making a fuss out of a molehill?" Concubine De trembled with anger: "The imperial concubine used to pay attention to the rules of the palace, but now it's her turn to make a fuss out of a molehill! This Palace sees that you are obviously arrogant!"

"The concubine must say this, and the concubine has nothing to answer. Does the concubine have anything else to do? If not, the concubine will retire first. The concubine still has a lot of affairs to deal with."

"You!" Concubine De opened her eyes wide, staring at Mu Jin so angry that she was speechless.

How shameless!

But what can she do? She is just a concubine, she has no shortage of food and clothing to support her life, she has no power in her hands, and she has no one to use when she leaves the Shoukang Palace. The current situation is not as good as one of the four concubines back then.

So what if he gave birth to a son and became the emperor?

Concubine De was sad and angry at the same time.

But Mu Jin glanced at her, saluted and retreated calmly.

Naturally, Concubine Qi and others would not stay and be scolded by Concubine De, so they also resigned one after another.

Concubine De smashed the tea bowl, wiped her tears and said sadly: "Bengong really gave birth to this son, really gave birth to this son! Bengong, why is Bengong so miserable!"

Her son has become the emperor, but she is a concubine, and she is probably the only one throughout the ages.

Aunt Qiu didn't know how to comfort her, she sighed secretly.

The emperor has always paid little attention to the affairs of the harem, but let it go. This imperial concubine's temperament is really difficult to get along with, she is not decent at all.

From now on, if the imperial concubine becomes the empress dowager, it will be even more difficult

Concubine De obviously also thought of this, and said with a sneer, "Empress Daxing's body is not yet cold, so she acted so boldly, she didn't take Empress Daxing seriously at all, and she still wants to be an empress like her? Oh, dreaming!"

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