Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2723 That picture is so eye-catching

At that time, let alone being pushed to the top of the storm, I am afraid that her mother's family will also be attacked, which is what she absolutely does not want to see.

Originally, it was rumored in Beijing that the fourth master only doted on the imperial concubine, which was already enviable, let alone a higher level.

However, she was really unwilling to give up the position of queen to others.

Fourth Master could randomly confer a palace maid as a permanent resident in her palace when she was pregnant, to give the illusion that she was always favored by outsiders, but if she was conferred as the empress, this kind of trick was out of the question.

The oldest show girl is only seventeen or eighteen, and the draft is delayed due to various reasons, but this kind of situation is actually very rare. Among the show girls who are finally left in each session, only three or five are seventeen or eighteen years old. .

Most of them are in the 14th or 15th.

Mu Jin couldn't imagine that a fifteen-year-old queen was sitting in the back seat, and when he saw her, he had to bow respectfully and call himself a concubine

Due to physical reasons, the first queen can only endure most things even if she thinks she is not pleasing to the eye, but, can you expect a fifteen or sixteen-year-old little queen to endure it?

Then what should I do? Fight openly with the queen?

Let alone the fact that the empress is in the middle palace and naturally has an advantage, it's just me who is in her twenties and a girl in her thirteens and sixteen who are fighting to the death for a man. Just thinking about it makes me feel cold!

That picture is so eye-catching

I really can't think about it, and I feel sad when I think about it, Mu Jin couldn't help sighing.

A low laugh sounded beside her, startling her, she turned her head subconsciously, and saw fourth master sitting next to her smiling at herself.

Mu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and was a little ashamed, "When did you come, Your Majesty? Scare the concubine and the boss."

Fourth Master smiled and embraced her, kissed her on the face and lips, and said affectionately: "What are you thinking about so preoccupied? You don't even know I'm here."

Mu Jin froze slightly.

Fourth Master looked down at her, with a gentle voice, "Why are you still sighing? Tell me, is there something wrong with the concubine today?"

Ever since the Queen passed away, Concubine De was not allowed to intervene in the funeral affairs, she was not allowed to show up at all, and no one was allowed to pay homage to her during the first day of junior high school, she was annoyed in her heart.

Once she gets annoyed, trouble will definitely happen, fourth master knows this very well.

In addition, today the thirteenth and fourteenth Fujin entered the palace to pay their respects. Now I think the old fourteenth is also in Shoukang Palace, right? She has someone to back her up, and she won't stop.

"No," Mu Jin smiled and shook her head, "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about this anymore. There are only a few servants in Shoukang Palace around the concubine, and there is nothing you can do. You don't need to bother about it."

Today's Concubine De is at most just putting on a face and saying a few ugly words, but Mu Jin doesn't care at all, after all, she has seen it a lot.

As long as there is no one in her hands, nothing will happen.

Fourth Master thought about it, he caressed her and sighed softly: "I have wronged you."

Mu Jin raised her eyes, met his eyes, and said with a sweet smile: "The concubine has the emperor, so I don't feel wronged. The concubine is thinking about the draft."

"What do you want to do!" The fourth master looked relieved, held her face and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't keep anyone in this draft. Good Jin'er, I'll give birth to another child after a while." A little elder brother, little Gege, after all, there are fewer people in this palace. When you are pregnant, I will be officially named Jin."

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