Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2726 Mu Jin was deeply surprised

Mu Jin smiled: "I will take care of myself in the palace, mother don't have to worry about me!"

Mrs. Luo sighed with a smile, her eyes were tender and tender: "My wife is only a daughter of the empress, how can I not worry about it. The empress can have today, it is all her own ability, and the wife can't do anything else. I just pray for my mother every day."

Mu Jin's heart warmed up, "Mother, take care of your health, it's better than anything else."

After talking for a while, Mrs. Luo hesitated, and smiled with some embarrassment: "I have something to discuss with the empress, if it is possible, please help the empress, if the empress is in trouble, then I have never mentioned it. , Your Majesty, don't think too much about it."

Mu Jin was deeply surprised.

Her natal family has always been very trouble-free, and never caused her any trouble, on the contrary, they helped her a lot.

What happened to make my mother say this so embarrassingly.

Mu Jin hurriedly said with concern: "Mom, please don't be like this. I, a daughter, feel a little ashamed when you do this! If there is something wrong with you, it's okay to say, let's find a solution together!"

Mother has never spoken to her before, and now that she has spoken, no matter what it is, she has to do it for her.

Mrs. Luo's heart warmed up, and she hurriedly said: "Thank you, my lady. With my lady's words, my wife will be satisfied. This matter is true"

Mrs. Luo sighed, and spoke boldly.

It was a coincidence that Mrs. Luo's youngest son and Mu Jin's younger brother, Mu Jianyun, came to Beijing a few years ago. One was to reunite with his mother, brother and sister-in-law, and the other was waiting to take the Chunwei exam in early April this year.

Mu Jianyun did well in his studies, and he was among the top three in the provincial examination, and happened to be the third, which is extremely rare at his age.

The Mu family was naturally overjoyed. After discussion, he asked his own opinion, and decided to participate in Chunwei this year and not wait any longer.

As long as there are no mistakes, it shouldn't be difficult to be a Jinshi, and you can still fight for the ranking.

At that time, don't let it out, try to stay in the Hanlin Academy, be a noble scholar, and make good friends with the senior scholars.

It's good to know that Mu Jin is in the harem, because of the solemnity of the holy family, and her beautiful appearance, maybe one day she will be accused of being a demon concubine.

At this time, someone has to speak for her.

Talking to your own family doesn't work.

I belong to the Han Army Banner, so don't expect the nobles of the Eight Banners to help you speak—it's fine if you don't make trouble.

If there are some contacts in the Imperial Academy, in case something happens, the old gentlemen of the Imperial Academy can come forward to say a few words, which is better than anything else.

Regarding her future arrangements, Mu Jianyun was also willing.

The two siblings have been close since childhood, and of course Mu Jianyun would not refuse if she could do something for her sister.

He is also seventeen this year. Ever since Mu Jin became the most popular concubine and his father and brother had a bright future, those who wanted to get married almost didn't break the Mu family's threshold.

Not only are there famous local families in Yuelu Academy, but there are also many nobles in the capital, and there are even clan and royal relatives who have gone downhill.

The more this is the case, the more the Mu family dare not agree to Mu Jianyun's marriage easily, so they extrapolate that the child must study hard, and it is not suitable to marry early, and he has a very good relationship with the empress in the palace since he was a child. His marriage is for the empress to nod.

This gradually stopped.

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