Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2728 Why should he do such a thing

Mrs. Luo was stunned, and smiled helplessly: "There is such a thing? What a coincidence! Isn't she very close to Da Gege?"

Da Gege is the elder sister of the third elder brother, Concubine Qi and the imperial concubine have always been at odds, if the relationship between Miss and Da Gege was close that year, Mrs. Luo would have to reconsider this marriage.

"Mother, you think too much." Mu Jin knew what her mother was worried about, and smiled indifferently: "Miss Nian is just a woman raised in a deep boudoir, how can she care about outside affairs? She is not in charge of the Nian family either. Besides, if she really becomes our Mu family's daughter-in-law, is it possible that she still doesn't know who to turn to?"

Harm your husband and in-law's family for the sake of your childhood best friend? It's crazy.

Mrs. Luo's heart widened, she laughed and said: "Your Majesty's words are true, but my wife thinks too much." She was a little nervous, "Then this matter"

Mu Jin smiled and said: "I will mention it to the emperor later, as long as the emperor acquiesces, she will be selected in the first round of the draft. At that time, mother will send someone to propose marriage to the Nian family—no, mother will talk to the Nian family first. Let's be angry, marriage is good with two surnames, we don't want to shave our heads and be hot. If the Nian family is willing, it's not too late for me to speak to the emperor. If the Nian family wants Miss Nian to marry into the royal family, we It’s not good to block people’s way.”

"Don't let the marriage become an enemy instead, it's not a good thing."

"As for Jian Yun, if you tell him slowly, he will understand if you think about it."

Mrs. Luo nodded, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty has thoughtful considerations, that's exactly what it should be. That child Yun'er is sensible, so you don't need to worry, Madam Luo. If the Nian family doesn't look down on our family, our family members are not so shameless. You have to be happy." Don't let anyone go!"

If Mu Jianyun is really a troublemaker who wants to die because of a woman who is not willing to marry her, then she would rather not have this son.

What Mrs. Luo was worried about was, "Madam, do you think the family would have thought of letting Miss Nian enter the palace that year?"

Mu Jin smiled: "If they were smart and witty, they wouldn't have such thoughts. Miss Nian used to accompany Da Gege, it is impossible for the emperor to keep her in the palace."

It might not be the case for other people, but fourth master is a bit of a mental cleanser, even if he doesn't spoil himself alone, he can't put his daughter's playmate on his bed.

There are so many women in the world, and there are tens of thousands of choices as an emperor, why should he do such an outrageous thing?

Madam Luo was completely relieved, and blurted out: "That's good, that's good!"

Otherwise, the girl my youngest son likes ends up becoming a concubine who competes with his daughter for favor, that would be really unspeakable!

Mu Jin shook her mother's hand and said with a smile: "Mother, don't think about it too much, you should talk to Nian's family first, and leave the rest to me."

"it is good!"

At that moment, Mu Jin asked someone to bring Ji'er over again, and ordered someone to invite the two sisters-in-law and nieces to come over to talk, and when Hongzhang came to greet Mu Jin after school, he also stayed.

Mrs. Luo is very kind to her grandson.

The Mu family had a lot of money, and the meeting ceremony and red envelopes they prepared were definitely among the best. Rao Hongzhang was still a little surprised when he was well-clothed, well-fed, well-informed, and able to get what he wanted since he was a child.

Mrs. Luo also prepared a gift for Sisi. Speaking of Sisi, everyone felt sad and missed.

Mu Jin quickly changed the conversation, and started talking about other things with a smile.

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