Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2732 dare not work the emperor

Anyway, everyone has to pay attention, the imperial concubine must not be compared to others!

Mu Jin couldn't tell them many things, so she smiled and let them go.

Today, after the fourth master finished handling the important affairs of the government and met with the ministers to discuss the affairs, he came out of the political affairs office, entered the harem, and naturally went to Yikun Palace.

Mu Jin was wearing a fragrant concubine-colored Huanhua brocade cheongsam, embroidered with colorful embroidered flowers, bright and bright, and finely outlined with gold and silver thread, which was delicate and elegant. The Die Lian flower hairpin is noble and elegant, and there are two delicate pink begonias the size of copper coins on the sideburns, decorated with pearl tassels, graceful and graceful, graceful and charming, standing on the porch in front of the hall and smiling at the fourth master, that look The child can hook people's souls away.

It's been a long time since I saw a woman I love so glamorously dressed, and as expected, Fourth Master felt that his eyes lit up and his eyes were fixed, and his heart skipped a beat.

The astonishment and doting in those deep black eyes are undisguised, the fiery gaze and the smile on the thin lips are heart-stirring, Mu Jin's pretty face heats up, she shyly lowers her eyes and turns around to go to the palace, her heart beating chaotically no,

It's all because of Yanmao, Xiaotao and the others, Hong Guoguo's blatantness as she said made her try her best to attract the emperor's attention, make him unable to look away, etc. She said no, but subconsciously winked Throwing it away, provoking him like this made her feel ashamed to face others!

How could fourth master not know her? In a good mood, he laughed and strode to keep up.

Not long after she entered the hall, she asked fourth master to hug him tightly.

The fourth master lowered his head and sniffed and kissed her face, neck, and earlobe non-stop. Mu Jin hummed softly and called out in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty"

This soft and flattering voice made the flames in Si Ye's heart go "huh", and he took a short breath. He hugged her horizontally and put her on the kang, leaned over and bowed his head, and kissed her

Mu Jin didn't want to move, her eyes were half closed, and she raised her arm to cover her eyes, refusing to look at Fourth Master.

The new clothes that were worn today were crumpled and thrown at the end of the kang. She vaguely remembered that they seemed to be torn apart by this man.

Fourth master hugged her sideways, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Looking down at that jade-colored pretty face, the blush is pleasant, and the little cherry lips are even more delicate and delicate, no matter how much I tasted it, I couldn't taste it enough, I couldn't help but smiled and leaned over to kiss again, which made her coquettish and dissatisfied, and again and again. Smiling, he hugged her: "I call hot water, how about serving Jin'er to take a bath today?"

Mu Jin was taken aback, and opened her arms and opened her eyes and shook her head again and again: "No, no, it's better not to use it, the concubine will come by herself! Don't dare to work for the emperor!"

The fourth master laughed loudly, holding her sprouting fingers and playing with them, leaning into her ear and whispering softly: "I like it so much, Jin'er doesn't have to be afraid."

Mu Jin: "" I really dare not! scared of you

The two quarreled for a while, how could the empress and concubine, who is fragile and weak, be the emperor's opponent? The resistance had no effect, so I asked the emperor to be carried into the back bathroom.

By the time the two of them came out of the bathroom after taking a bath and changing clothes, more than half an hour had passed.

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