Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2737 There is nothing better than this

Make face for her by yourself, but she may not give face to herself.

Why bother to get such a person into the palace?

Jue Luo felt that he had been greatly insulted!

The imperial concubine dared to act like this before the bones of the former empress were cold. This is completely ignoring the former empress!

No wonder the concubine Huang Guifei, who was so rumored in the capital before, didn't reply a single word, she was just guilty! A guilty conscience!

Jue Luo couldn't swallow this breath, so he went to visit the respected elders of the clan, complained about the injustice, and asked others to make decisions.

But who would?

The former empress is gone, the Ulanara clan has no successors, and there is also a prostitute Fuyu who offended the emperor Longyan for murdering the imperial concubine, what is left of the Ulanara clan now?

Now that the situation is unclear, who is willing to offend the imperial concubine for Jue Luo's sake?

What does this have to do with my family?

Therefore, each family received Jue Luoshi in a friendly manner and spoke nicely, but they just refused to show up.

After walking through three houses in a row, Jue Luo could see what kind of attitude each of them had!

In the final analysis, is it not about your own business and not opening your mouth?

The so-called cold tea is nothing more than this!

She really realized that without the queen, no one in the Ulanara clan would pay attention to them at all! No one takes it seriously!

In the past, when the empress was still there, as the empress's kinswoman, who would not be held by the stars wherever she went? Who doesn't flatter and flatter and take the initiative to please? Who dares to hold a shelf in front of him like this now, with such a hideous face

The more he was rejected, the more he felt that Luo Shi became angry with embarrassment, and the more he vowed to do this and seek justice.

She simply handed over the sign and entered the palace, begging to see Concubine De.

The imperial concubine will not ask to see her, this is the fault of the imperial concubine.

The palace servants reported it to Mu Jin first, and Mu Jin smiled and ordered someone to report it to Shoukang Palace. Concubine De will see each other when she meets, and she will not see if she doesn't want to see her - no, if Concubine De doesn't want to see, please ask Mrs. Luo to go there.

Otherwise, those outside who don't know will still treat her as the imperial concubine as a hindrance, and she won't be allowed to see her!

Concubine De was a little surprised, but thinking of the flower viewing feast in March, she seemed to understand a little bit, and ordered Jue Luo to be invited in.

Jue Luoshi really cried and complained to her about it.

"The former queen's bones were not yet cold, and our Ulanala clan was trampled on so contemptuously, so please ask the concubine to be the master!"

"The Ulanara family is the mother's family of the former empress, so why can't they be regarded as relatives of the emperor? The imperial concubine invited the royal family to enjoy the flowers, but the Ulanara family was excluded. What do people think of it! Empress Dowager, look The previous empress was filial to you when she was here, so you can't ignore this matter."

Why does Concubine De care about Ulanara's face?

The former queen said she was filial to her, and she was indeed filial to her, but she didn't mean it sincerely. It was just that as a daughter-in-law and herself as a mother-in-law, she did her duty as a daughter-in-law.

The first queen has always been just right in terms of rules and duties.

People can't make mistakes, but they will never be moved by it.

As for later, the former empress stood on the side of the emperor, and it was just a matter of saving face for me!

Concubine De was actually dissatisfied with the former queen.

However, if Jue Luo came to her door, she would of course have to ask what was going on.

So he comforted Jueluo and ordered someone to invite the imperial concubine over.

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