Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2749 nothing else but a lot of money

It's just a day's work, and if I go by myself, I have to avoid the new scholars. It's inconvenient, it's better not to go.

The fourth master was very considerate, he held her in his arms and smiled, "After I've been busy for a while, I've made arrangements for the new scholars. How about we go to the Yuanmingyuan for a few days together? I can take a rest by the way, and then go Look at Baigongyuan."

Mu Jin's eyes lit up, and her brows were joyful: "The emperor's words can be regarded as speaking to the heart of the concubine, and the concubine is waiting for the emperor!"

Fourth Master smiled and nodded, and said: "I plan to arrange your younger brother to be a servant in the Imperial Academy, what do you think?"

The Mu family seemed to have planned that too, but Mu Jin naturally wouldn't say that in front of the fourth master, and just nodded without thinking, "How do the concubine understand this? The emperor's arrangement must be the most appropriate, as long as the emperor agrees. "

The fourth master laughed: "Then do this! Let him be respectful and filial to the old scholars and seniors of the Imperial Academy on weekdays, and practice hard for a few years. When Zhang'er is older, he can also teach Zhang'er."

The fourth master would not say this to Mu Jin for no reason, it was a hint that she was asked to pass on a message to her natal family, and Mu Jin responded with a smile.

Since my younger brother is good at learning, Jiaozhang'er can afford to teach him, and he will definitely teach him wholeheartedly, such an arrangement is the best.

The Imperial Academy is noble, and another meaning of nobleness is poverty.

Many old scholars are so poor that they have been friends with pawnshops all year round, and they can't even rent a decent house at home. Although they don't have to eat three meals a day, it is normal to eat porridge and steamed buns with their own old pickled vegetables.

The Mu family can be modest in other things, but not in money.

Nothing else but more money.

With the words of the fourth master, Mu Jianyun consciously or unintentionally takes care of the old bachelors and seniors in money on weekdays without any scruples.

Burn this cold stove in advance, who knows when it will be useful or not?

Fourth Master didn't seem to do anything, but in fact, step by step, he was paving the way for Zhang'er and himself.

Even if that little girl Sisi went to Yunnan, it wasn't all for her to play.

Sisi is himself and his daughter, and he is the spokesperson of the two in Yunnan.

As long as she is not domineering and bullying the people, even if she does nothing, the local people will appreciate the kindness of the emperor and imperial concubine.

After all, several emperors were willing to let their princesses go to that place, and if they went, it meant that the emperor valued them.

Sometimes, people's hearts are so easy to get.

Besides, it's not that the eighth master and his party are doing nothing there. The eighth master and the fourth master have been communicating with each other. Occasionally, the fourth master will discuss with Mu Jin about one or two things. If there are some sent over there, then over there will be more grateful.

The same is true for Mu Jianyun entering the Imperial Academy today.

After Japan's self-appointment, even if the Hanlin of the Imperial Academy does not support it, as long as they do not voice their opposition.

These words don't need to be very straightforward, Mu Jin saw it in the eyes of fourth master, and understood it all in his heart.

Because he was talking about Mu Jianyun, Mu Jin simply took this opportunity to mention Nian Xinmei.

This is really not easy to say. You must know that ladies of the Eight Banners are generally only suitable for noble families and royal family members of the Eight Banners, especially with Nian Xinmei's current status. Her father is the governor of Huguang, and her elder brother is the governor of Sichuan. It's no problem to be Shangshu, my brother is young and promising, and it is obvious that he will go further in the future.

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