Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2752 Long Yan Joy

Finally, someone moved in his heart and said loudly: "I see, this, this is cement?"

The Thirteenth Lord laughed loudly, "That's right, this is exactly the road made of cement, take a look, okay?"

Everyone was in an uproar, and hurriedly took a closer look, and walked around deliberately feeling it, how could this be bad?

That's great!

I heard Shisanye said that the cement road is made of powdered cement produced by a cement workshop, mixed with fine sand, gravel, and water, and then paved layer by layer, and the surface is smoothed with cement slurry.

It is very convenient to build roads. After repairing, it is hard and smooth, and looks clean, which is highly praised by everyone.

The cement, which has been widely rumored in the capital and has been talked about and imagined countless times, unexpectedly appeared in front of the courtiers and new scholars.

Everyone was fresh and shocked, and no one could utter a word of criticism.

Sure enough, cement, which is said to be a sharp tool for building bridges, roads, and dams and reservoirs, is really so easy to use.

As we all know, Baigongyuan was built under the auspices of the imperial concubine, and the emperor also worked hard behind the scenes, and the things that were built are indeed good things. Now the emperor is so proud, with a smile on his face, this is not a good time When will I wait to pat the emperor's ass?

The fourth master really made everyone praise Long Yan Dao, and ordered to compose a poem and sing a song.

Both Xinke Scholars and veterans can write poems, and the twelve best poems will be judged back. After they are published, everyone present will have a copy, and the authors of these twelve poems will each be given a high-quality imperial brush.

For literati, it is a great honor and auspicious omen to be given a pen by the emperor. Everyone was very excited, and some people secretly pondered it in their hearts.

After walking the concrete road and enjoying the fresh and elegant scenery of the bamboo forest, everyone came to the wharf beside the Fuhai Sea.

The cruise ship has already been prepared, fourth master boarded the boat first, appointed a few people and the top three of the new department to accompany the driver, and the rest took other boats and slowly headed north across the lake.

Since the Fourth Master of Cement was interested, he said that he would lead everyone to Baigongyuan to have a look, and naturally everyone cheered.

Besides, he was really curious about Baigongyuan.

If it weren't for today's opportunity, the Baigongyuan was built in the Old Summer Palace, even if the hands and eyes were open to the sky, they wouldn't even think about taking a look.

The emperor's private garden, no one dares to sneak in and out without decree.

In case of being reported, it is a serious crime of beheading.

Naturally, there are dragon boats carved with dragons and painted phoenixes in Yuanmingyuan, which are magnificent and magnificent. However, this boat has to travel from Fuhai to Pinghu Qiuyue, the foot of Xifeng Xiuse Mountain, Wenyuan Pavilion to Duojiaruyun. The waterway is very winding and narrow. Giant dragon boats can't walk.

The boats are steady, and they row across the water at a leisurely pace. The lake is as green as green silk, and you can see it as far as you can see. The flowers are red, the willows are green, and the egrets are flying. Everyone is open-minded and happy.

When the boat leaves Fuhai and enters the waterway, there are many beautiful scenery on both sides of the river. The lush flowers and trees, the exquisite pavilions and pavilions, and the wonderful layout of the gardens are dizzying.

The flowers blooming in spring should be like this, and the lotus leaves in the sky in the criss-crossed waters in summer, just thinking about it, it is another scene.

There are autumn chrysanthemums and golden osmanthus in autumn, and you can climb mountains to enjoy the red leaves; in winter, plum blossoms bloom again, and pines and bamboos are vigorous, which is equally beautiful.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, wishing to keep all the beautiful scenery firmly in their hearts.

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