Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2754 everyone can't even be jealous

After the splendid Qionglin banquet, the Xinke Jinshi went their separate ways and found their own homes.

The atmosphere subtly became tense without knowing it.

The glory of being a scholar has reached its peak, and his career as an official has just begun.

With a backing background and a place to go, he is naturally very calm, talking and laughing, with a relaxed expression, just waiting for the officials to issue documents, and the emperor can take office after being summoned.

For those who have nowhere to go, suddenly feel that the road ahead is bleak, and they have to sigh for a long time, so they can only ask the Bodhisattva for blessing from the bottom of their hearts.

Although Mu Jianyun was very low-key and did not publicize his identity, but as the younger brother of the imperial concubine's direct relative, he naturally attracted the attention of countless pairs of eyes, and the scholars quickly exploded.

Except for a few who knew in advance, everyone else was stunned by the news.

A winner in life, my elder sister is an imperial concubine, has children, has great favors, father and brother are court officials, the future is boundless, and the family is so rich, not to mention rich as an enemy, but I am afraid it is also among the best in the capital.

Being young, handsome, and talented is simply a lie.

Everyone can't even be jealous.

What's the use of being jealous? Pulling down like this one after another, this is not a person in the world at all. Standing on tiptoe and stretching his neck, he can't reach others, and it's ridiculous to feel jealous.

Those who had ridiculed and bullied Mu Jianyun before were all afraid.

Fortunately, Mu Jianyun has a gentle temperament, and her parents and elder brothers have warned her so much. My sister is too conspicuous in the palace now. I don't know how many people are staring at her. My sister's faults are not easy to catch. Just waiting to catch your own faults, so when walking outside, remember to be careful, so that you can neither harm others nor be framed by others.

Seeing that Mu Jianyun didn't seem to settle the score, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people started to flatter Mu Jianyun again.

When Mu Jianyun was in the academy, there were not many people to fawn on, and he was able to deal with these things with ease.

Although it is impossible to have a heart-to-heart relationship with such a person, face-to-face acquaintance is okay and indispensable.

Instead, he watched coldly, and purposely made friends with a few people with good conduct and knowledge.

After all, there are very few people in this world who think they are noble and noble, and who disdain the rich and powerful. Mu Jianyun treats people kindly, has good knowledge, has a family background, and is willing to make friends with others.

Among them, there are still two people whose whereabouts are still undecided. Mu Jianyun also sold a favor, and asked his elder brother to help him inquire about it, and accommodate him a little bit. Those two people wanted to be released, and in the end they both got their wish and got the post of county magistrate. go to Beijing.

I am very grateful to Mu Jianyun, and paid a special farewell to Mu Jianyun before leaving.

Ever since Mu Jianyun visited Huahua in high school, Mu Jin was very happy and specially gave countless rare calligraphy and paintings, and also brought a sentence to her mother, telling her to leave Beijing quickly, no matter which Zhuangzi other courtyard or other places to live for a while, It is best to stay until the draft and then return to Beijing.

Mrs. Luo was at a loss at first, but soon came to her senses, and smiled and said that she was not as clear as her daughter.

Can't you run away quickly? Otherwise, the threshold of their own family may be broken by the matchmaker who said they would marry each other.

The Eight Banners families are not as reserved as the Han people. They don't say that there are hundreds of female begging in a family, and the female's family is waiting for the male to marry.

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