Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2756 Mu Jin couldn't help but also laughed

"This is really Jin'er who has wronged me." The fourth master sympathetically embraced her and kissed her, and said with a smile, "Look at this pitiful state, I feel distressed when I see it."

After thinking for a while, he said, "Let's go to Yuanmingyuan in two days, how about it?"

"Yes, my concubine, thank the emperor for his understanding!" Mu Jin smiled sweetly, she was relieved.

The woman in his arms is delicate and beautiful, and this smiling face is especially alluring. He couldn't help but embrace her again and have a good time of intimacy. This is called Su Peisheng's lunch.

At this moment, Mu Jin finally felt much better and lighter. Seeing that the fourth master passed on the lunch, she was a little worried about his youngest son, and said to the fourth master with a smile, "Zhang'er is using his lunch at his own place now, so I won't call him anymore. Concubine, let someone bring Ji'er over."

"Forget it, he came and made people feel uneasy." Fourth Master smiled and hugged him and did not let go, "Zhen Qing stays with Jin'er quietly. There is a nanny and the others to take care of him, so I can't wrong him. Besides, he It’s also a no-brainer.”

After hearing this, Mu Jin couldn't help but also laughed.

Ji'er is quite easy, Hongzhang and Sisi are much more noisy than him. Regardless of Hongzhang's appearance now, he still has a lot of fun in private.

Ji'er is different, he likes brightly colored and shiny things, give him a toy that he can play with for a long time without making a sound.

Sometimes Mu Jin teased him and deliberately snatched his toy, but he didn't get annoyed, and continued playing with another one.

However, once a little maid who was serving teased him like this, he grabbed someone else’s hand and bit it. Yayin's eyes were full of tears, but he wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry.

It makes everyone want to laugh but it's not funny.

Mu Jin also didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she hurriedly ordered the little palace maid to take the medicine and asked Mammy Yan to comfort her.

Fourth Master couldn't help laughing when he found out about this later, saying that the child was a loving and filial child.

Mu Jin was unable to refute.

Anyway, this child really loves my mother, and doesn't make her worry about anything.

So no one was going to hug him for lunch, and the two of them ate it together.

Fourth master has been worrying a lot about arranging the affairs of the new scholars in the past few days, and he is quite tired. There was no rest at noon for several days.

At this moment, Mu Jin happened to be here, so he dragged her to lie down and rest together.

Thinking that he had to summon the courtiers in the afternoon, Fourth Master didn't dare to rest for too long, and opened his eyes and woke up automatically in less than half an hour.

Mu Jin was still sleeping soundly in his arms.

The fourth master looked down at her, and thought that it was not easy for the little girl in his family these few days. The elders and aunts of the clan had been tossing so much, and they were really tired, so he smiled silently, unable to bear to wake her up, He got up lightly.

As soon as Fourth Master changed clothes and went out, he ran into Concubine Qi outside the courtyard of the Hall of Mental Cultivation and raised his eyebrows.

"Greetings to the emperor, the emperor is auspicious!" Concubine Qi's eyes lit up when she saw the fourth master, and she led a group of servants to salute quickly.

Fourth Master glanced at her, his eyes still calm and desolate and alienated, and said lightly, "What's the matter?"

Concubine Qi suppressed the soreness in her heart when she heard the two-word answer, and forced a smile: "Back to the emperor, isn't my concubine's younger sister also participating in the draft this time? Now that I have come to the capital, my concubine wants to ask As a favor, I will take my sister to live in the palace for a while."

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