Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2758 the emperor asked the imperial concubine to make up her mind

When Concubine Qi entered the palace, she bowed her knees to Mujin and said, "My concubine greets the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine is auspicious."

Ever since the fourth master ascended the throne, Mu Jin's status has always been above Concubine Qi's. Naturally, this is not the first time Concubine Qi has done such a thing as bowing to Mu Jin.

But for some reason, concubine Qi felt extremely aggrieved and humiliated by bowing her knees to pay her respects today, as if she was destined to never be able to stand up in front of Mu Jin again in this life.

But in the past, Mu Jin was clearly inferior to her!

"Get up and sit down."

Concubine Qi's mind was racing, if not for Li Nanny gently touching her elbow, she would not have been in a daze for how long.

"Thank you, imperial concubine."

Concubine Qi showed strange expressions from time to time. Mu Jin was used to it, so she didn't care at the moment. She smiled and said, "Is there something wrong with Concubine Qi?"

"Yes," Concubine Qi forced a three-pointed smile: "The concubine's younger sister, Li Xiuyun, will also participate in the draft this year, and now she has arrived in the capital, and the concubine wants to take her into the palace for a short stay, please let the imperial concubine do it."

Speaking of the draft, Concubine Qi finally felt a little happier.

Although adding a newcomer to the palace would squeeze her out of the room to compete for favor, but she didn't care anymore, she was happy if she could make Mu Jin feel uncomfortable.

"This," Mu Jin looked at her and said with a smile, "Does the emperor know about this?"

Concubine Qi smiled: "The concubine mentioned it to the emperor, and the emperor asked the imperial concubine to make up her mind."

Thinking of that scene, Concubine Qi wanted to crush the handkerchief in her hand, but it was just a matter of nodding and saying a word, the emperor refused to express his opinion, and insisted on asking her to ask the imperial concubine

Mu Jin heard her that the fourth master knew about this, so she said: "It's not a big deal, Concubine Qi just needs to bring people here. Don't forget to explain the rules in the palace to her, don't wait until the time comes." It’s what happens.”

"Yes, thank you imperial concubine!"

Concubine Qi got up and knelt to Mu Jin: "The concubine will leave."

After finishing talking, she didn't want to stay with Mu Jin any longer.

Mu Jin did the same, nodded her head and said "yes".

As soon as Concubine Qi left, Mother Yan said: "Master, I don't know what kind of temperament Miss Li is. When the time comes, the old slave at Jingyang Palace will ask people to keep an eye on it, so don't cause any trouble." .”

Mu Jin nodded with a smile: "Nurse will be more careful when the time comes. The draft girl has a special status, so she must be careful."

Nanny Yan smiled: "That's not true, this old slave thinks the same way."

In case something happens in the palace, it must be explained to others. What else can I explain to the girls who are about to be drafted? Of course, it is to stay in the palace and seal a slightly higher position.

Concubine Qi moved very quickly, and brought Li Xiuyun in the next day, and brought her to Yikun Palace to greet Mu Jin.

Li Xiuyun missed a draft. She is already seventeen this year. Among the girls waiting for the draft, she belongs to the older kind.

But in Mu Jin's view, the thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl hasn't grown up yet, no matter how much she is educated, her temperament is still there.

Seventeen or eighteen years old is just right, with a slender figure, exquisite and handsome, and his appearance has grown, just like a flower that has just fully bloomed, in its prime.

Li Xiuyun kowtowed respectfully in front of Mu Jin, with a very humble attitude, and with a smiling face, she greatly praised the noble concubine's virtue, dignity, kindness and generosity.

Mu Jin wanted to laugh when she heard that.

Compared with Concubine Qi, this little girl seems to be more flexible and flexible.

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