Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2765 This kind of godlike luck

The words came out without thinking.

She kindly rescued him and let him go down the steps, but he just wanted to bully her, it was really bad

Fourth master twisted her waist, "Wait, I said I would catch Jin'er if I caught it."

Mu Jin gave a "poof" smile, quickly stopped her smile, sat beside him with her arm in her arms and waited.

The result is still indescribable!

Fourth Master's dignity as the Son of Heaven caused the fish swimming in the lake to lose all their scum!

black face

Mu Jin half clenched her fists on her lips, coughed and coughed to hide her smile, and reminded very kindly: "Your Majesty, well, maybe the bait is not fresh, why don't we change it?"

Fourth master nodded: "Jin'er's words are very true, and I think so too!"

Change the bait decisively.

Mu Jin gently held the fishing rod, flicked it lightly with her plain hand, the hook sank into the water, her eyes rolled, and she smiled at Fourth Master: "Your Majesty, let my concubine try!"

Fourth master naturally wouldn't grab the fishing rod from his own woman, he could only give her what she wanted with both hands.

So he hugged her with both hands, "It's up to you!"

Unexpectedly, a miraculous scene happened. Less than two minutes after Mu Jin threw down the fishing rod, the buoy suddenly sank, and Mu Jin immediately felt a pulling force from the water in the hand holding the fishing rod.

Her eyes lit up, and she was so excited that she hurriedly stuffed the fishing rod into Fourth Master's hand: "Your Majesty, hurry up, pull it up quickly, it seems that a fish has been hooked!"

Fourth Master was startled, subconsciously swung the hook, and a big fish over a foot long flung itself on the grass, the snow-white belly of the fish was extremely dazzling in the sun.

Seeing Xiaotao and Xiaocong, they laughed and hurried up to catch them.

Mu Jin also giggled happily: "Your Majesty, what a big fish!"

Fourth master: "Yes!"

So if you dare to love this fish, you are going against him, right? Or is it just judging people by their appearance? He is not as good-looking as Jin'er, so ignore him? ?

"I'll catch another one!" Fourth Master threw down the fishing rod again.

Mu Jin couldn't stop it in time, fearing that some unspeakable and unreasonable miraculous thing would happen again, she resolutely stretched out her hand to hold the fishing rod, and smiled sweetly at the fourth master: "The concubine wants it too!"

The fourth master's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart felt a little hot when he heard the words "the concubine wants it too", and he leaned into her ear and chuckled, "Well, I will give Jin'er whatever she wants."

Mu Jin's hands trembled, her heart skipped a beat, and she almost dropped the fishing rod in her hand. Her cheeks were flushed and she gave him a nasty look.

Fourth master smiled happily.

After this commotion, fourth master finally felt more at ease, and his face was no longer dark. Soon he caught another fish, rounding it up, it could be considered that he was not discriminated against, so let's forget it.

He didn't care about this anymore, Mu Jin wanted to laugh and heaved a sigh of relief, she pulled him up with a smile, and asked someone to take two fish to the kitchen while it was fresh.

One stewed sauerkraut, one braised in soy sauce, the fish just out of the water must be extremely delicious.

Under the rose trellis, the two stood and talked, describing their intimacy, laughter came from time to time, and there was no trace of the tension just now.

Su Peisheng stood far away, feeling no longer in his heart. The emperor's face, only when he is with the imperial concubine, is it always so easy to change from cloudy to sunny

The fresh fish in the lake is really delicious, and the simple cooking method, with only a few necessary seasonings, is full of praise.

The two had lunch on this island and took a nap for a while, until it was almost sunset, and then left the island by boat to go back to the skylight residence.

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