Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2772 Li Xiuyun's complexion is ugly

Just thinking about being his woman and enjoying his gentle and kind treatment, Li Xiuyun's heart beats out of embarrassment, and her legs and feet feel a little weak.

My heart is becoming more and more eager.

"You really think so?" Concubine Qi raised her eyebrows.

Li Xiuyun gritted her teeth and nodded decisively: "Yes"

Concubine Qi gave a "chi" smile, and lazily said: "I have no favourites, and what I say won't work, I'm afraid it may not help you. As for the imperial concubine, you don't have to count on it, just because you are my younger sister." , it is impossible for anyone she cultivates to be her right-hand man to choose you."

Li Xiuyun's face was ugly.

Concubine Qi laughed again and said: "There is someone who can help you. Concubine De of Shoukang Palace, please flatter her more. If she is willing to say a word or two for you, whether it is the emperor or the imperial concubine, Who dares not show face?"

Li Xiuyun's heart moved, yes, Concubine De is the emperor's direct relative Er Niang, as long as Concubine De likes herself, it is because of her filial piety to Er Niang, the emperor can't not keep herself.

Li Xiuyun hurriedly laughed: "My sister is right, please tell me what kind of girl Dou Concubine De likes, and what kind of hobbies do you have on weekdays?"

Concubine Qi glanced at Nanny Li when she heard the words, and said with a smile, "Nurse Li, please tell Second Miss carefully."

"Yes, ma'am."

Li Xiuyun was overjoyed, she couldn't help getting up, and saluted Concubine Qi respectfully: "Thank you sister, don't worry, sister, we sisters will stay in the palace in the future, and if we sisters join forces, no one can surpass us."

Concubine Qi smiled, with a meaningful smile: "Then I can wait for that day."

Li Xiuyun was full of excitement, "Don't worry, sister, there will be!"

She was also a little curious, and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Sister, since the emperor has become the emperor, why, why didn't you make Concubine De the empress dowager? Is there any inside story?"

If by any chance Concubine De and the Emperor don't get along well - Li Xiuyun's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly felt a little scared.

Concubine Qi thought that she was not stupid to think of this.

She smiled and said, "Who knows? This is not something the emperor can decide, it's the meaning of the emperor."

Li Xiuyun was taken aback for a moment: "This, why is the Supreme Emperor—"

"Shut up," Concubine Qi gave her a warning look, and said coldly: "In this palace, the most important thing is to be careful about what comes out of your mouth. You have to be careful about what you should say and what you shouldn't say. You can’t ask anything. Otherwise, if you get into trouble, even this palace won’t be able to save you!”

"What is the Supreme Emperor thinking, do you dare to speculate indiscriminately?"

Li Xiuyun turned pale with fright, and hurriedly shook her head and hands: "Don't dare, I dare not! Sister, don't worry, I, I understand."

It turned out that this was the meaning of the Supreme Emperor, maybe it was just that the Supreme Emperor did not want to have a queen? Since the empress of the Supreme Emperor passed away for so many years, the Supreme Emperor has never thought of becoming a queen.

Concubine De wants to become the Empress Dowager, since the Supreme Emperor is still alive, she must be appointed first.

I don't know why Concubine De is so out of the eyes of the Supreme Emperor that the Supreme Emperor is willing to give the throne to the Emperor, but refuses to give Concubine De the status of Empress Dowager.

But this has nothing to do with her, as long as the relationship between the emperor and Concubine De is fine

Seeing her changing expression, Concubine Qi knew that she had figured it out, and said lightly: "Okay, you go down, I want to take a rest."

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