Do these people really think that they can have a good result after being reprimanded by the emperor? she waits!

As long as there is no trouble at Chuxiu Palace, Mu Jin won't care.

Returning to Yikun Palace from Changyin Pavilion, chatting and laughing with Fourth Master for a while, the two had lunch and rest, and in the afternoon Fourth Master went back to Yangxin Hall to summon the ministers.

It was a hot day, and the youngest son had a particularly sweet nap. Mu Jin had nothing to do and was quite bored.

He simply planned to lie down for a while, to stretch his muscles and bones. Lying down with fourth master, he is always making troubles, how can he sleep peacefully and have a good night's sleep?

I don't think so, Mu Jin hasn't laid down yet, but when she saw Xiaodouzi come in, she reported with a strange expression: "Master, the little master of Chuxiu Palace, Mrs. Sitara, came to pay his respects to the master."

Mu Jin was taken aback for a moment: "Sitara?"

She gave a "chi" smile, and said to Nanny Yan: "Mommy, you have a lot of experience, tell me what this person is here for?"

Mother Yan smiled and said: "I have inquired about this old servant. This Sitara family is not outstanding, and she is not outstanding. I guess she came to seek the blessing of the mother. She is really brave, and she dared to come to Yikun Palace." .Madam, do you want to see her? If you don’t want to see her, the old slave will send her away.”

"Let her come in," Mu Jin said with a smile, "I don't have anything to do today, so I have the right to relieve my boredom. I'm also a little curious."

Sitara's appearance can only be described as delicate and handsome, and the first impression is that she is a restrained person. She is different from Ulanara Jinshu.

So Mu Jin was really curious, wondering what exactly she wanted to do?

Xi Tara didn't expect that the imperial concubine would be so happy to see him, so he suppressed his heart and was ecstatic, and hurriedly followed Yanmao in respectfully.

While all the young masters were taking a nap, she begged Aunt Lin quietly, saying that she had visited the imperial concubine at Changyin Pavilion, and she still had a few words to say to the imperial concubine. Aunt Lin was suspicious, but she did not stop her. , Let Zilian accompany her.

In fact, she was not sure whether the imperial concubine would see her.

If the imperial concubine did not see her, Aunt Lin might think she was lying, but there was no good fruit to eat.

However, there are only three or four days left, so she has to take the risk

"My daughter greets the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine is auspicious." Sitara entered the hall, knelt on the ground respectfully, and kowtowed to Mu Jin.

Mu Jin smiled and said, "Get up quickly, you don't need to kneel down to perform this great gift."

"The minister respects the imperial concubine and empress, and is willing to perform this great gift." Shi Tara said, and stood up respectfully.

Mu Jin narrowed her eyes slightly, sized her up, and said with a smile: "From what I see from this palace, you seem to have a calm and well-behaved personality. I don't want you to be so courageous! Come to me again and again. Bengong I'm really curious!"

"Tell me, what is the reason why you have repeatedly asked to see me? I will give you a chance to speak. No matter what you say, I will not blame you."

Mother Yan coughed, and said calmly: "Young Master Xitala, since the imperial concubine asks questions, the young master picks up the most important ones. The imperial concubine has a lot of words, and I will definitely not blame you."

To put it simply: If you have something to say, hurry up, don't beat around the bush, and don't say that irrelevant nonsense, empty words, and clichés. The imperial concubine doesn't like that.

"Yes," Sitara knelt down again, with reddened eyes, kowtowed, raised her eyes and looked at Mu Jin slightly: "I swear, I will be loyal to the imperial concubine in this life, and I am willing to give everything for the imperial concubine. I beg the imperial concubine to keep my daughter-in-law." In the palace!"

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