Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2832 very worthy of a good celebration

When the newcomers enter the palace, the competition will be great.

Three years, three years is enough to change many, many things.

The three-year-old Qingdeng ancient Buddha, eating fast and praying for blessings, can't even smear rouge and water powder-otherwise it is disrespectful and dishonest to the Buddha.

After these three years, wouldn't you look haggard and have dull skin?

Against the well-maintained harem concubines and the new batch of juicy and tender girls participating in the draft, is there any chance of winning?

At that time, even if he entered the palace, what future would he have?

This is still going well, what if something uncontrollable happens in the past three years? Or maybe the emperor simply forgot about it after three years or deliberately delayed it for another year or two?

who can tell

If there are many people, maybe the big guys can communicate in a low voice, and maybe some ambitious people can grit their teeth and go all out to petition.

For this kind of thing, as long as one person stands up and expresses his willingness, it is very likely that someone will follow suit.

However, there are only a handful of people. Thinking that everyone else already has a place to go, and only a few of them are still lingering in fear and need to make such a difficult choice, how many people can get out?

A panic in my heart will only increase my hesitation.

In the end, several people looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them had the courage to stand up.

After all, few people dare to bet on a future full of various uncertainties.

Rather than taking this gamble, it's better to get married now, at least to have a good home.

Although it is inevitable to have regrets in your heart, it is better than losing your whole life if you make a wrong bet!

They are all girls in their teens, how many of them have the courage to bet their lives like that?

Unless a natural careerist, such as Niu Colu Yuxi in the past and Dong E Mingyan now.

However, Dong E Mingyan has been accused of being married to the clan's son, so she is not on the list.

Su Peisheng heaved a sigh of relief when he had the words, and said in his heart that what the emperor wanted was such an answer, now it's easy to deal with, don't worry about being angered by the emperor

Fourth Master was quite satisfied when he heard Su Peisheng's reply, and waved him to retreat.

Then he filled up the rest of the blank imperial decree, threw away the imperial pen, and the merits and virtues were complete.

"It's great now, but it's been clean for several years!" Fourth Master put Mu Jin in his arms and smiled, quite satisfied in his heart.

Mu Jin also smiled sweetly, "The emperor is wise, and this concubine is moved!"

As for what will happen in three years, let's talk about it in three years, and there is no need to worry at this time.

After all, who knows what will happen three years from now?

At that time, I have truly grasped absolute power, not to mention all of the key positions, as long as 60 to 70% are with myself, no one can do anything to him.

That's when you really want to do what you want to do.

Both of them have big hearts, and feel that there is no need to think about the things at that time for so long now.

So he breathed a sigh of relief and hugged him.

Just solved a big problem, well worth a big congratulations

The next day's imperial decree, including the fourth master's decree that he thought about the former queen and ordered Liu Gong Xiunv to go to Huangjue Temple for three years to practice for three years, was also spread.

Among so many beautiful women, only Sitara is willing to go to Huangjue Temple.

All the ministers were in an uproar.

However, no one could say anything.

Those who fail the election are not in the eyes of the emperor. Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king, so there is nothing to say.

Those who are qualified to talk about it, the Fucha family, etc., made mistakes first, and the emperor was kind if he didn't reprimand the parents, how dare he refuse to accept it?

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