Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2845 Do you want to tremble with anger?

"You haven't left yet!" Nian's coachman was taken aback, he stared at Xingfan with wide eyes, angrily said, "I said, is there something wrong with you? It's none of your business! We can deal with our family's affairs as we want, what does it have to do with you? My uncle, this man is a lunatic for some reason, please ignore him. "

Xingfan: ""

How about trembling with anger!

Why is this person so ignorant?

"I clearly mean—"

Mu Jianyun smiled to the driver of Nian's family: "Uncle Nian, let's go quickly, don't delay Miss Nian's business."

"Hey, okay, goodbye, uncle!" Nian's coachman smiled and said goodbye to Mu Jianyun with a smile on his face. He also knew that he couldn't delay here for too long. The young lady is a girl's family, so it's not appropriate to cause trouble.

It's not a good thing to be stained.

It's still possible that my uncle in the future has the ability to send those two scoundrels away as soon as he shows up.

Unlike this silly bastard who jumped out of nowhere to stir things up, he is speechless

Seeing that these two people were talking to themselves, Xingfan used himself as nothing. Although Miss Nian couldn't see him in the carriage, he still felt that he was humiliating in front of Miss Nian, so he couldn't help but become angry from embarrassment.

"Hey, you coachman, why are you so disrespectful and unreasonable—"

Mu Jianyun stopped him, smiled slightly, and said politely: "Master, may I ask you—"

Mu Jianyun sneered in his heart, did he really think he didn't know who he was? Although we have never met each other formally, since Aunt Li in Longkodo's house visited the door, the second elder brother and second sister-in-law of the Mu family deliberately made a copy of the portraits of the Longkodo family for everyone to recognize .

Therefore, Mu Jianyun recognized Aunt Li's biological son with just one glance.

Judging from what Uncle Nian said, this person simply jumped out of nowhere to mess around, and he didn't know what he was thinking!

Did he find fault on purpose, or did he not give up?

Nian's driver had already left by the time Mu Jianyun stopped Xingfan.

Xingfan watched the Nian family's carriage leave, his heart broke down!

Is this just the carriage leaving? No, this is beyond this village and there is no such shop!

How could it be so easy to meet Miss Nian?

Xingfan glared at Mu Jianyun fiercely, and sneered: "What does who this young master has to do with you? You kid spoiled this young master, let me wait!"

Mu Jianyun raised her eyebrows: "What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you?"

Xing Fan was startled, secretly regretted his slip of the tongue, and snorted coldly: "Bah, none of your business!"

Mu Jianyun's expression was slightly cold: "Miss Nian is my fiancée. For some reason, this young man has trouble with Nian's family, even if he has trouble with me."

Hearing what he said, Xingfan was even more jealous and hated. He looked up and down Mu Jianyun with critical and disgusted eyes, and sneered: "Anyway, you wait for me!"

After speaking, Xingfan ran away angrily.

Mu Jianyun didn't chase after her, but smiled inexplicably.

He had a vague guess in his heart, but it was hard to say, and he had to wait for Yuan Feng to come back.

Xingfan was so disturbed by Mu Jianyun, he was very angry in his heart, and suddenly thought that Miss Nian seemed to be going shopping, and his mentality became more and more intense, so he ordered his carriage towards Nian's carriage without hesitation. Go in the direction you left.

Anyway, the general direction is correct, what if he had a relationship with Miss Nian, just met?

Who dares to say that there is no such possibility?

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