Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2847 Get used to it by accident

Nian Xinmei and Cui Man who had already boarded the carriage looked at each other.

Lord Ninetowns Soldier Ma Silong? Lord Longkodo?

This inexplicable person is the son of Lord Longkodo?

Nian's coachman was also taken aback, doubtful, but cautiously closed his mouth.

Because it was only at this time that he could see that the dark damask tailoring robe that this person was wearing looked inconspicuous, but in fact this kind of material was in limited supply and was very rare, even if ordinary wealthy people wanted to buy it, they might not be able to buy it.

And the white jade pendant around his waist is also a priceless treasure.

A son who is not pretending but is really rich, there is no need to pretend to be someone else.

In particular, that person is Nine City Bingma Si, Lord Longkodo, uncle of the current emperor.

The coachman of Nian's family glared at him, snorted displeasedly, and looked at the carriage.

If this person has such an identity, a coachman like him is not worthy of talking to him.

Nian Xinmei felt even more disgusted when she heard those words, and became more sure of what this person wanted to do after her.

No wonder you have such courage! It turned out to be the son of Lord Longkodo.

"No need, since Mr. Tong Jia said so, we understand it and don't care about it. As for the compensation, there is no need." Nian Xinmei said through the curtain of the car: "My mother is still waiting for me to go home and leave. Uncle Zhao, let's go."

"Yes, miss!" Nian's coachman flicked his whip and wanted to drive the car.

How could Xingfan, who wanted to show off his wealth and charm in front of Nian Xinmei, let Nian Xinmei just go?

He stopped in front of the carriage all of a sudden, thinking that his smile was suave and graceful, but in fact he had a playful and annoying face: "I want it! Miss Nian, please give me another chance. If you don't apologize to Miss Nian properly, How can I live in my heart? Moreover, if Miss Nian causes any misunderstandings to me, it will be even worse!"

Now, not to mention Nian Xinmei, Nian's coachman and Cuiman all look bad.

My young lady is beautiful, and there are not many people who covet her. So in this regard they have always been very vigilant.

What's the difference between the one in front of you and the ones before?

Cui Man violently pulled the curtain of the car to cover Nian Xinmei firmly behind her. She gave Xing Fan a hard look, and said with a sneer, "Does our lady want anything from her natal family or her fiancé's family? Don't you care about that?" An apology? What is Tong Jia’s son? I think he is probably a liar? Tong Jia’s son has never seen anything in the world? How can he be so shameless and shamelessly stop a girl’s carriage on the street? Bah !"

Xingfan was furious, "You girl, why are you so vulgar! Miss Nian is like a fairy, how can there be a girl like you! Who said I am a liar? Or, hehe, Miss Nian will come to the house with me, Don't you know if I'm telling the truth?"

"Shut up!" The driver of Nian's family changed his color angrily, and scolded, "My lord, respect yourself!"

Xingfan was also secretly annoyed that he shouldn't have said such teasing and teasing words to Miss Nian. Miss Nian is a real daughter of a famous family and a lady of every family, unlike those girls in the brothels.

He got used to it accidentally

But it shouldn't be said that this is also said, can you still swallow the words back?

Xingfan simply played a rogue: "Master, I am a straight-tempered person. If anyone says I am a liar or a liar, I have to prove to her that I am not. Miss Nian, why don't you come down?" , let's find a teahouse and have a good chat!"

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