Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2850 Pianmu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are exceptions

"This—" The butler blushed in embarrassment.

Li Si'er was furious: "You! How dare you humiliate me!"

Mrs. Luo glanced at her coolly, and said to the housekeeper: "My wife is the head of the Mu family. Three media and six hires have come in, and I have paid homage to the heaven and earth. Today, there is something important to visit, so you Tong family will let one Is this how a concubine treats guests? The Tong Mansion is really good! I just don’t know how honorable Master Longkoduo will be if the news gets out!”

These words were as sharp as a knife, piercing Li Sier's heart fiercely, cutting her heart dripping with blood.

She was resentful, sad and unwilling.

That's it, that's it!

In the eyes of these ladies, one by one, they despised her so much.

The housekeeper was sweating coldly, hesitating and making distinctions with a stiff smile: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

The housekeeper was in a state of desperation, and only hoped that the master would return home quickly.

Otherwise, he might just hang himself.

what can he do Who in the family doesn't know how powerful my aunt is? The master asked everyone to call her Mrs., and obeyed her in everything. Who would dare to go against her?

Who knew that Mrs. Luo was so rude!

Coming here like this, I don't know what happened

Li Si'er's face was red and white, and he was about to explode with anger.

She has been for a long time—no, never! No one has ever dared to be so angry with her.

This anger rushed straight to her forehead, making her dizzy and almost fainted.

Damn it!

"Get out! Get out!" Li Si'er grabbed the teacup in his hand and threw it on the ground, patted the tea table and screamed: "Get out, get out! Butler, tell them to get out!"

Dare to run wild with her at Tong's house? She wanted to see how thick their skins were.

If it were any other lady, I'm afraid her face wouldn't show up, and she got up and left angrily.

After all, a noble and dignified lady, who would care about a shameless shrew?

How embarrassing that is.

However, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Mu family are exceptions.

Mrs. Luo was a hot-tempered person before she came out of the cabinet. After marrying her husband, in the first few years, her husband's official position was small, and the folk customs in the south were tough, so the couple also suffered a lot.

If Mrs. Luo is not aggressive enough, how can she handle it?

As for the second youngest wife, Shi Fangyun, she was born in a family of merchants, and she herself has been rolling in the business field with her father and brothers since she was a child. What kind of person has she never seen? People like Li Si'er couldn't catch her eyes at all, he was just a paper tiger with a strong outsider.

Such a person, you don't have to do anything, just sit here and watch her jump, and she will be mad at herself to death.

The eldest young lady, Mrs. Bo, comes from a scholarly family, but over the years, she has long been used to the behavior of her mother-in-law and younger siblings, and she has already become calm from the embarrassment at the beginning.

So Li Si'er's tried and tested trick was useless in front of the Mu family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Luo didn't show any embarrassment or shame at all. Instead, she looked at the housekeeper with contempt and contempt: "Your Tong family, heh!"

As if to say, just such a family style, tsk tsk

The housekeeper's face was flushed, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to crawl into the ground.

"You are a concubine, how dare you tell me to go?" Mrs. Luo sneered contemptuously: "You are a concubine who has no rules and etiquette, and is extremely vulgar. I don't care about you."

Li Si'er's eyes turned black for a while, his face was ferocious with hatred, he gritted his teeth, and glared at Mrs. Luo viciously.

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