Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2863 He doesn't know how to explain it at all

This time, within half a year, he wouldn't even think about resting and recovering.

Seeing that he would not be disabled, Long Keduo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, that's all right, that's all right

After Xingfan was sent back to the courtyard to recover from his injuries, Li Si'er only got the news and knew about it.

Hurriedly rushing over, she saw her son's pale face, lying on the bed dying as if he had been robbed of energy.

Longkodo hurriedly supported her, but she pushed her away.

She stepped forward and gently lifted the thin quilt covering her son's body. The wound could not be seen, and the medicine had already been applied, but it was obvious that the wound was swollen high, and the smell of the medicine was strong, and Li Si'er's mind thundered , as if the sky was falling, screaming and cursing Longkodo frantically.

Her son, she is only such a son, how could it be like this? How did this happen!

Longkodo was in a panic and retreated steadily. He didn't know how many times he said "listen to me" and "listen to my explanation" to no avail.

It wasn't until Li Si'er was tired from crying, cursing and fussing that Long Kedo was relieved.

Yet he had no idea how to explain it.

What can he say?

Can he say that what the two of them did was used by the nobles of the Eight Banners and touched the Emperor's scales? If you don't take the initiative to enter the palace to plead guilty to the emperor, then the consequences will definitely be much more serious than now!

At that time, not only the son will be unlucky, but she will also be unlucky.

I can withstand Ama's pressure and protect her, but what does the emperor really want to do, can I withstand it?

The emperor calls himself uncle again, and he has to call himself a "slave" in front of him!

He is from the Tong Jia family, not from the Wu Ya family.

However, Empress Dowager De did not have the good fortune to be an empress dowager, even if she was from the Wu Ya family, she would not dare to present her uncle's profile in front of the emperor.

Longkodo couldn't say anything, he knew very well in his heart that Li Si'er had little knowledge and didn't understand anything, even if he told her, she wouldn't understand.

He could only sigh and say to her: "The emperor is furious about this matter. If I don't do this, after the emperor punishes me, I won't be able to pass the test so cheaply. Don't worry, Xingfan is young and in good health. Is there anything our family wants? Take good care of it, and after a few months, nothing will happen?"

"If this kid doesn't learn well, he should be taught a lesson."

Li Si'er burst into tears, and said bitterly: "Then the Mu family is so precious, can Tong Jia's even compare to the natal family of an imperial concubine? The emperor has no conscience, he—"

"Shut up," Longkodo was taken aback by her boldness, and hurriedly said, "Don't say such things in the future. If one or two words get out, we will all be in bad luck."

Li Si'er sneered, and gave Longko a contemptuous look: "I can't even say a happy word in my own home, and this life is too boring! I don't care if you want to be useless, but I can't be a useless old lady! What's the matter with the emperor? The emperor is not stupid and incompetent? Huh, you are his uncle. If he treats you like this, then the Mu family may hate us. After that, let the Mu family and the imperial concubine go further and let them gain power, you I'm afraid uncle is worthless! What will our son do in the future?"

Long Kedo was taken aback, and his brows frowned slightly.

Yes, the emperor dotes on the imperial concubine, and the fourth elder brother who was born by the imperial concubine grows up day by day, obviously more favored by the emperor than the third elder brother.

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