Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2875 But at this moment, she has some regrets

"Reading not only understands reason, but also understands right and wrong. It will be fine in the future, so let's read more books."

"The Mu family and the Nian family were already discussing marriage. Who do you think you are? How dare you interfere? If you can't compete with the Mu family, it's not because Tong Jia is incompetent, but because the Mu family is right. What about your mother and son? It doesn't represent Tong Jia's family, it's just that your mother and son's calculations have failed!"

"Bengong is just not forgiving, so what? You sent yourself to the door, who is the blame? What? Just allow you, a concubine of the Tong Jia family, to try to sabotage the marriage of my younger brother for no reason. Son, why don't you allow me to be relentless?"

"Even if this palace is a concubine, it is still the emperor's concubine. If you compare yourself to this palace, in your eyes, Longko can compare to the emperor?"

"Imperial Imperial Concubine!" Dai Jia was taken aback, and hurriedly got up: "My lord, forgive me, there is absolutely no such thing, absolutely no such thing! Li Si'er is just an ignorant concubine, she was talking nonsense and made a slip of the tongue , please forgive me! Li Si'er, don't you still apologize?"

Dai Jiashi stared at Li Si'er coldly.

Li Si'er's mind was in a mess, and her heart beat even more chaotically. She was angry, anxious and hated. She had never been so embarrassed and angry in her life.

"The concubine didn't mean that, the imperial concubine misunderstood." Li Si'er said with a stiff neck.

Mu Jin chuckled, and said lightly: "It's not a misunderstanding, I don't care about you, you are not worthy. Go out and wait!"

Without waiting for Li Si'er to say anything, Xiaotao immediately ordered the two maids to push Li Si'er out.

Xiao Tao was so annoyed that Li Si'er was so arrogant that she was not even allowed to stand on the porch in front of the hall, and directly drove her master and servant to stand under the sun under the steps.

"There are rules in the palace, if you don't want to be punished, just stand here and don't move!" Xiao Tao gave Li Si'er an angry look.

Li Si'er's chest was blocked, and he quickly glanced at Xiao Tao from the corner of his eyes, but he didn't dare to move.

Standing under the sun, he soon became a little dizzy, sweat dripped down his cheeks, and Li Si'er cursed in his heart.

So why did she enter the palace?

She wanted to disgust Dai Jiashi, and she was also a little curious about everything in the palace. Now that she had the opportunity, why didn't she go into the palace to have a look and experience it?

Subconsciously, she wanted to tell everyone that even if she was just a concubine, so what? It's also different from ordinary concubines, she can go to the palace if she wants

But at this moment, she regretted it a little.

There is no seat for her in Yikun Palace.

Now standing under the sun again, with the little eunuch staring at her on the porch, she didn't dare to move at all.

One must know that for more than ten years, she has been pampered and blessed everywhere, how can she stand for so long?

She had the feeling that her legs were no longer her own, and they were extremely sore and numb.

This imperial concubine, how can she behave like an honorable and royal wife? just a rogue

Behaving without dignity

In the East Nuan Pavilion of Yikun Palace, Dai Jia was still a little apprehensive and anxious, and apologized repeatedly to Mu Jin.

She was really frightened by Mu Jin's words.

He even secretly hated Li Si'er's speechless words.

Mu Jin smiled and eased her heart, and repeated her words, Dai Jiashi finally felt relieved.

Guessing that the fourth master's discussion in the government affairs office was about to end, he would have to come over after entering the harem, so Mu Jin asked Dai Jia to stand up and leave.

He also rewarded her with a pair of emerald jade bracelets and a lotus white jade hairpin.

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