Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2880 Mu Jin's eyes are rolling, and his heart is slightly warm

When Fourth Master came to Yikun Palace, Mu Jin complained without thinking.

"The concubine asked Dai Jia, and Dai Jia said that she did not intend to bring Li Si'er into the palace today, but Li Si'er actually said that she wanted to enter the palace to open her eyes and see the world, so Master Long said Let Dai Jiashi bring her here."

"Come here as soon as you come, and the concubine doesn't say anything, but Li Si'er's words, are you here to discredit the concubine and disgust the concubine?"

"What is she? How can she comment on the appearance of the concubine? She dares to talk about the marriage between the Mu family and the Nian family. If she speaks rudely in person, the concubine will definitely not spare her!"

"Originally, he wanted to punish her, but Dai Jia brought her into the palace for the first time, if he slapped her mouth, it would be a bad journey back, so the concubine put up with it for the time being."

The fourth master was furious when he heard that, and before Mu Jin could finish speaking, he called Su Peisheng, "Ask a few people to go to Tong Jia's mansion to upload my oral order, Li Si'er and others are guilty of disrespecting the imperial concubine, slapped thirty times, and banned for three months. If she is not convinced, slap her mouth fifty times, and go to the Buddhist hall to cultivate her body and character!"

"Ask Li Yugui to go in person."

Su Peisheng didn't dare to be negligent, and hurried to go, thinking that Li Si'er could find trouble.

She felt wronged and refused to suffer the slightest bit of unhappiness. Could it be that the imperial concubine was willing to suffer? The imperial concubine has to wrong herself to show her generosity and virtuousness?

The first queen might do this, but the imperial concubine never would.

Mu Jin didn't expect that the fourth master would be more ruthless than himself, and he didn't stop him. The fourth master was venting his anger for himself, so why should he stop him.

"His Majesty Xie makes decisions for his concubines." Mu Jin's eyes rolled and his heart warmed slightly.

The fourth master smiled and embraced her: "Stupid, can I still make you angry with a bitch? Are you still angry now? Can you feel better?"

His family's Jin'er has a good temper, and based on Li Si'er's words, it is only natural to force her to kneel down and slap her on the spot.

The palace is also a place where she can be unrestrained, what illusion did Longkodo give her? So much so that she thinks that Longkodo can protect her and cover the sky with one hand and do whatever she wants?

Otherwise, where did she have the courage and confidence to act wildly in front of Jin'er?

Mu Jin was startled, the depression in her chest dissipated instantly, she snuggled into Fourth Master's arms and said with a smile: "When the emperor said this, all my anger has disappeared!"

"That's good," said the fourth master with a smile, "I knew that bitch would make such a fuss, so I wouldn't ask you to pass Dai Jia into the palace. Don't be angry. But in the future, that bitch won't have another chance Entering the palace."

Mu Jin said with a smile: "It's good that Dai Jia is a sensible person. The emperor vented his anger for the concubine, and the concubine let this matter go. She will not cause trouble in the future, and the concubine will treat her as if she does not exist. The concubine will accompany you." The emperor is not enough, how can I pay attention to those irrelevant things!"

The fourth master laughed happily, "Jin'er's words, I am very relieved. Have you packed your luggage? We will be leaving in three or two days."

Mu Jin's eyes lit up immediately, she nodded again and again, and said with a smile, "The concubines don't have much luggage. When they arrive at the Summer Resort, they have everything, just a few sets of clothes and jewellery, bird's nest, tea, etc."

Fourth master smiled, and the two started discussing their trip to Chengde.

This time the trip to Chengde was very lively, and several lords including Prince Li went there. Longkodo was originally supposed to stay in the capital and be in charge of guarding the capital.

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