Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2974 Concubine De is a little guilty

"Not only is it painful, but it's also dangerous. If there is one—"

Concubine De's heart was awe-inspiring, she didn't know what she thought of, she suddenly looked at Fourth Master with some horror, and burst into tears: "How can I live as this palace! No matter what, he is your younger brother, Mr. Four, you, you can't treat him like this"

Fourth Master's heart wasn't half cold, but completely cold.

Although Concubine De didn't say it, her reaction and expression clearly expressed what she didn't say.

She suspected that fourth master wanted to kill fourteenth master on purpose - maybe even wanted to kill fourteenth master!

After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one can guarantee absolute safety, and no one can predict whether something will happen in the next second.

Dying on the battlefield is the most difficult way to find out.

Fourth Master really never imagined that he would be such a person in the eyes of Concubine De!

Powerless and desolate sorrow and anger flooded into my heart like a tidal wave.

Every time when he thought that this mother-in-law had hurt him to the limit and could not go any further, she would always make a breakthrough, making him uncontrollably wanting to lose his composure.

He is already the emperor, with a woman he loves by his side, with great power in his hands, life and death are at stake, and now in this world, except for Huang Ama, no one can control him.

Does he need to kill his own brother?

Just like the old fourteen, what threat can he pose to himself?

"Suffering? Danger?" The fourth master smiled coldly, and looked at Concubine De with cold eyes without a trace of emotion: "Madam, what are you talking about? Since the old fourteenth is a descendant of Aixinjueluo, he is the prince of the Qing Dynasty." Brother, then his inherent responsibility is to defend the country! So what about danger and suffering? This is his responsibility."

Concubine De was angry and anxious, she blurted out without thinking: "Then why don't you go?"

The air stagnates suddenly.

Fourth Master stared at Concubine De indifferently.

Concubine De was a little guilty and avoided his gaze.

But thinking about it again, even if it shouldn't be said, it has already been said, so why should there be any scruples? It's better to say everything clearly.

"Bengong, I don't mean anything else. I'm just a mother-in-law. Who doesn't love her own child? Your fourteenth brother is still young, so you can't rank him even if you are ranked by age. I beg you as my mother-in-law." Don't send him. He may not want to go himself."

The fourth master said coolly: "The concubine concubine was wrong. Today, the old fourteenth entered the palace to face the saint, and deliberately asked for his will in front of me. Since he has this ambition, how can I not fulfill it?"

"How is it possible!" Concubine De exclaimed, "He, he obviously didn't want to. He came to pay my respects to Bengong, and he clearly didn't want to when he mentioned this matter, it must be you, you misunderstood him"

Fourth Master understood something.

No wonder Er Niang got the news so quickly. It turned out that the old Fourteen had left the Hall of Mental Cultivation and came to pay his respects again.

How could Fourth Master trust Concubine De?

"Don't talk about it anymore, the concubine, the order that the old fourteen personally asked for in front of the emperor, can there be a fake?"

"Why not? What if it's unavoidable?"

"It's not like I have no one to use, so why do you force him?" The fourth master couldn't help being furious, and scolded, "Why don't I order someone to send him into the palace to confront him face-to-face? The concubine, don't beat around the bush and pour dirty water on me gone."

Concubine De was silent.

This posture turned out to be a tacit agreement with fourth master's words.

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