Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2976 out of sight is pure

"Yes, send it off to the emperor!" The Fourteenth Master hastily saluted.

After fourth master left, he hurriedly stepped forward to comfort his mother-in-law.

Fourth Master returned to Yikun Palace with a cold face.

On the way, Su Peisheng and others were all out of breath.

Every time the emperor came to Shoukang Palace, everyone would tremble all the way.

Fortunately, this road has an end point, and the end point is the Yikun Palace of the imperial concubine.

Mu Jinzheng was a little uneasy waiting, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the fourth master came back. He hurriedly stepped forward with a smile, and took his arm along the way: "Your Majesty."

The fourth master glanced at the concerned expression and gentle eyes on Bai Shengsheng's little face, his heart that was originally helpless seemed to have a place to rest all of a sudden, his heart softened, and he patted her hand lightly, Sit down with her.

Seeing how the fourth master was so depressed, and didn't even bother to say a word, Mu Jin didn't even need to guess to know that another extremely fierce dispute must have erupted in Shoukang Palace.

Concubine De is really running all the way to death and never looks back

There is no way, relying on being the emperor's biological mother, sometimes she can do whatever she wants.

No matter how angry and angry the emperor is, he can only keep her in the Shoukang Palace, otherwise?

Mu Jin didn't say a word, served tea and watched Fourth Master take two sips and put it down, then said softly: "How about I rub your shoulders and loosen your muscles and bones?"

"No need," Fourth Master smiled, hugged her and sat in his arms, looked down at her and smiled lightly: "I'm afraid I'll tire you."

Mu Jin felt sweet in her heart, and said the truth: "The concubine can't do it, this is not hard work."

Fourth master: ""

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Fourth Master pressed against her forehead, closed his eyes gently, followed the familiar breath, and kissed her lips.

A kiss that was extremely gentle made both of them a little dizzy.

After the kiss was over, Mu Jin's body was softly nestled in Fourth Master's arms, the water in her beautiful eyes was blurred, her cheeks were flushed, she was pitiful and cute.

That kind of posture that seems to be picked by the king is even more eager to hook people's souls away.

Fourth master only felt his throat tighten and swallowed subconsciously.

His fingertips gently stroked her bright red and plump lips, causing the woman in his arms to hum softly and tilt her head to avoid it. The fourth master chuckled, his eyes deepened, and he lowered his head and kissed her face forcefully, "Night I'll clean you up again!"

Mu Jin smiled lowly and rubbed into his arms, her face was hot and she raised her eyebrows slightly, she said to herself, clean it up, it's not a man if you don't clean it up

The two laughed and quarreled for a while, and Mu Jin ordered someone to bring the youngest son here.

The little guy didn't know that he was afraid of Huang Ama's cold face, so he ran towards him with open arms, giggling and calling "Huang Ama!" for a hug.

Fourth Master laughed loudly, hugged his youngest son, and his gloomy mood was completely dissipated.

Forget it, what else is there to argue with that confused concubine?

In the follow-up, Concubine De did not stop so easily.

I don't know what happened to her this time, but Fourteenth Master patiently comforted, explained, and promised that he would come back safely, but it didn't work. Concubine De refused to listen to anything, so Fourteenth Master must not be allowed to go.

The Fourteenth Master saw that she couldn't make sense, so he went straight to the barracks to join his elder brother.

Out of sight is pure.

Persuade not to pull down

Seeing that he was determined to go, Concubine De cried desperately in Shoukang Palace, and had to give up the idea of ​​continuing to dissuade him, and instead asked for other things.

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