Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2980 Mu Jin doesn't need her to see too much

Now that Ba Ye has not returned to Beijing, Concubine Hui has no plan to move into Eldest Brother's mansion right now, she will still go back to Ba Ye's mansion to be with Concubine Liang when she turns back.

Even if he moved into the elder brother's mansion, he had to wait for the eldest elder brother to return in triumph and get permission from the emperor.

But day-to-day communication is fine.

Fourth Master knew about Mu Jin being called over by Concubine De the same day, so he asked a few words.

Hearing what Mu Jin said, fourth master couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to his mother-in-law.

Can't get over it? It's not good to provoke anyone, but he wants to provoke Jin'er?

When will she be able to grasp Jin'er? Is Jin'er the one who suffers?

Thinking about it this way, the woman I love is inexplicable—no, it's not inexplicable, it's because she was angered and called by Er Niang to make things difficult for her. Although she didn't suffer, Fourth Master still felt distressed and pitiful, so he comforted Mu Jin a bit.

Mu Jin snuggled into Fourth Master's arms and listened to his consolation, and responded to him tenderly, very well-behaved.

That's right, in front of Fourth Master, she was as dog-legged as ever, no wonder Concubine De hated her and couldn't see her anyway.

Anyway, Mu Jin didn't need her to take a closer look.

Mu Jin felt a little emotional in her heart, thanks to Concubine De, who refused to reconcile properly with Fourth Master.

If she reconciled with fourth master, her life might not be so comfortable.

If she doesn't make a fuss and make trouble for Fourth Master in various ways, and even speculate about Fourth Master with the greatest malice and hurt Fourth Master's heart, even if she is just a concubine, after all, she is Fourth Master's mother, she will not be treated well in terms of treatment. Absolutely no worse than the Queen Mother.

My concubines, even if the former empress is still there, I have to respectfully go to Shoukang Palace every day, and surround her with flattery and compliments.

Fourth master is actually a very emotional person in his bones. If she treats fourth master better, it is impossible for fourth master to be unfilial to her.

And as Erniang, she must be dissatisfied and dissatisfied with a woman like her who is favored by her son alone.

At that time, in order not to upset her, fourth master might have to estrange himself from him on the face of it, and there might be a few more famous people in the harem.

Fortunately, she was so good at torturing, she forcibly tossed fourth master until all the mother-child affection for her disappeared!

It can be regarded as fulfilling one's own happy life.

I don't know if she will wake up one day in the future!

However, even if there is such a day, it doesn't matter, the overall situation is fixed, and she can't change anything.

Before soldiers and horses moved food and grass, the day for the expedition had already been set. Everyone in the barracks, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, and even the Ministry of Rituals was so busy that their feet never touched the ground. Sometimes the lights in the yamen of each department could be lit all night.

Fortunately, several large workshops of Guozihao have made a lot of money. Glass, porcelain, silk and satin cloth, cement, and wine have been put into operation on a large scale. In addition, the money collected in advance from the order can barely make up the millions of dollars. up.

As for the follow-up, I am not afraid, these big workshops will naturally continue to make money.

Grain merchants began to raise prices quietly. Although the increase was only a little over 10%, the demand could not help but increase, but the cost spent on it also rose a bit in vain.

As soon as the grain merchants raised their prices, medicinal materials and fabrics also started to rise, and other related industries also followed suit.

This is also a helpless thing. A slight price increase of 10% to no more than 20% is not regarded as price gouging, and the government has no way to deal with it.

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