Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2985 Mu Jin stared at him speechless

Of course Mu Jin still has the strength to walk, but she let the fourth master hold her hand while joking and teasing: "If the concubine has no strength to walk, will the emperor carry the concubine on his back?"

The fourth master laughed: "Success, how about I carry you on my back?"

How dare Mu Jin? Shaking his hands and giggling, he said, "Your Majesty Long En, the concubine might not be able to bear it, so let's forget it."

The fourth master pulled her into his arms and kissed her, leaned close to her and smiled ambiguously: "Why can't I bear it? Only Jin'er can bear my long favor"

Mu Jin blushed, and smiled at him: "Where is this place? You are not allowed to mess around." After saying that, she turned around and ran forward.

The fourth master laughed, and strode up to catch up, "Where is it that I am acting recklessly? I am telling the truth, what did Jin'er think of and then called me reckless?"

Mu Jin looked at him speechless, which made fourth master chuckle.

The two talked, smiled, and played around affectionately. Every time Fourth Master went to a temple and looked at the Buddha statues, paintings on the walls, and hanging scrolls, he would casually tell Mu Jin a story or two, and Mu Jin listened with gusto.

There are many tall pine trees planted in the temple, tall and erect, with strong branches, green and green, and become more noble after weathering, which complements the solemn Buddhist temple.

The fourth master smiled and said: "There is a large pine forest in the back mountain, there are also waterfalls, pools, plank roads and pavilions, which are much more interesting than the ones in this temple. After lunch, I will take you there for a stroll."

Mu Jin naturally smiled and said yes, she had been to Huangjue Temple once before, but she hadn't been to Houshan Mountain before. Hearing what Fourth Master said, she also became somewhat interested.

Let's talk about the fact that Concubine De insisted on coming to Huangjue Temple to eat fast, chant Buddha and pray for blessings, but she regretted it the first day she came.

Although the place where she lives has been carefully and thoughtfully arranged, but in the Buddhist holy place, the emphasis is on the cleanliness of the six roots, and many things cannot be displayed.

No matter how it is arranged, it looks very plain.

Although Concubine De was not of a high family background, she was actually quite blessed. She had been favored for many years when she was young.

When he got older and the grace faded away, his son had already stood out.

For the sake of her son's future, no matter whether it was the Supreme Emperor or the concubines in the harem, who would not give her some face? No one was harsh on her.

Therefore, her life in the harem has been quite smooth, and it can be said that she has not suffered much.

Because of this, after her son became the emperor, she was particularly concerned and resentful that she was not able to become the empress dowager.

But even if she and fourth master got into a fight like this, fourth master didn't mean anything to her in terms of basic necessities of life.

Mu Jin has always instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs and several management offices in the palace that the offerings of Shoukang Palace should not be shoddy, let alone be in short supply.

After all, there is no shortage of this in the palace, so there is no need to give people the reputation of being a mean mother-in-law.

When Concubine De took a gamble and came to Huangjue Temple, she compared the two and realized deeply. Only then did she realize that this temple is a temple. Even if it is a royal temple, the conditions in the temple are very different from those in the palace.

Concubine De, who had never suffered before, frowned at that time, her face full of disgust.

But it's all here, what can I do? Can she pack up her burden and go back to the palace without blushing or beating heart?

I had to pinch my nose and stop. "

Aww~~ Tickets for the new book! !

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