Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2989 Discussion

As long as state-owned firms are established, grain merchants will naturally have no chance to control the market.

However, the large grain sources in the Central Plains, along the Yangtze River, along the canals, and to the south of the Yangtze River are basically in the hands of major grain merchants, and countless local tyrants are involved in the process.

In many gentry families, either someone in the family is an official in the court or local government, or there are relatives, friends or community of interests as officials.

The relationship is involved and quite complicated.

It is not that easy to snatch food from them.

The imperial court wants to open a state-owned business, but it must be upright and upright, and no bullying words can be left behind, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Moreover, the prestige, majesty, and fair reputation of the imperial court cannot be damaged.

This is even more difficult.

One is not good, maybe it will fail miserably in the competition.

Well, the imperial court can't afford to lose this face, even fourth master himself can't afford to lose this face.

If that's the case, don't even think about it, fourth master also knows that those old people in the court will take advantage of this opportunity to say some nasty things.

Therefore, this matter must be done, and it must be done in an upright manner, and it must be done.

Years ago, fourth master greeted everyone and asked them to think about where to start this matter when they went back.

This is different from glass, cement, textiles, and porcelain. Those markets were either blank, or the Ministry of Internal Affairs already had an advantage, but they just changed according to the trend.

Food is made from scratch.

This is a big problem.

In the end, Mu Jianying came up with a solution to this matter.

In fact, I am ashamed to say that it was not entirely his method, but Mu Jin's method.

Fourth master talked about these things on weekdays - especially things related to Baigongyuan, and never kept Mu Jin from telling them. And Mu Jin also likes to hear him say this, and the two often discuss and discuss together, after all, it is a career that they have worked hard together, and the sense of accomplishment is also the same.

Very resonant.

It was also from the fourth master that Mu Jin knew how he made the masters and her two brothers think about this matter.

Because Mu Jian'an and his wife happen to be doing very well in business, and Jianguo's owning a company is also a commercial matter, so the fourth master naturally includes them, helping with something or going out from time to time idea.

There is also Mu Jianying, the fourth master also thinks highly of him, even for Mu Jin and Hongzhang, he will be trained and reused as a confidant in the future, and he will be called to share his worries.

Mu Jin came up with an idea, and after some tangling, she decided not to tell fourth master herself. She had already said enough, and she didn't look like a woman in this era. It would be bad if she made fourth master care too much .

It's better to pass a message to the eldest brother of the mother's family and let him talk.

What's more, what she gave here is just a rough outline. If the elder brother wants to turn it into a complete, comprehensive and meticulous answer to the fourth master, he still needs to do countless supplementary details.

At this moment, what Mu Jianying handed over to the fourth master was such a secret memorial book that was reminded from Mu Jin, enlightened, suddenly enlightened, and then made in detail.

The reason why it is said to be a secret copy is that only the fourth master knows it, and it will definitely not be distributed.

The fourth master's eyes lit up, he was overjoyed, he slapped the imperial case and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay! Mu Aiqing is really talented and willing to do things in a down-to-earth way. I never misjudged you!"

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