Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3008 bluffing is also a bit reliable

"This kind of people has always been severely punished!"

Seeing the bright long knife, Mrs. Zhang turned pale with fright and screamed, her face turned pale, so how dare she say more?

Liu Shi and the others were all startled, their hearts pounding, you look at me and I look at you, so they had to obey orders.

After all, this is the boundary of the capital city. It is normal that the rules are much stricter than other places. Everyone comforts themselves in this way.

Mrs. Liu endured her annoyance, and forced a smile on her face: "The messenger wants to check something, please hurry up. We are visiting relatives in Beijing, and we didn't bring any illegal items."

Hearing the words "visiting relatives", the river patrol officer couldn't help but rolled his eyes and snorted disdainfully.

I don't know who I have offended, and I am still a "relative", I am afraid that this relative will not be able to leave.

The contemptuous reaction and attitude of the small river watchman made everyone explode in anger.

You must know that the etiquette education in the south is not so strict and harsh, and the local people have developed an informal temperament. In addition, the historian is a local gentry, rich and powerful, and the masters of the family go out one by one. Looking after?

This little official dared to show such a face, even if he was a little official under the emperor's feet, it made people feel extremely aggrieved.

Mrs. Zhang was the first one who couldn't help it. Being suppressed by the bright long knife, she didn't lose her temper, and she didn't speak too politely. She immediately said with a sullen face, "Do you know who our relatives are, Mr. Gong?" The imperial concubine in the palace should know, right?"

Royal concubine?

The river patrol officer gave Zhang a strange look, and said to himself that you are looking for death, even the name of imperial concubine dares to be used to bluff and deceive!

At this moment, the petty patrolman on the river completely believed the words of the third butler of Tong Jia's family, and they were just a few stupid women who didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth!

There has to be something reliable about bluffing and deceiving, right? Royal concubine, heh!

"What? Don't tell me that you are the relatives of the imperial concubine. This family leader is going to enter the palace to join the imperial concubine?"

The irony of these words was beyond words, let alone Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Liu's expression became very ugly.

"It's not wrong to go to the palace, but it's okay to go to the palace to pay respects to the imperial concubine someday. My daughter is married to Mu Jian'an, the second young master of the imperial concubine's natal Mu family. Speaking of which, the imperial concubine has never been drafted in Beijing." Sometimes our two families walk around, but we often see each other.”

"That's right," Zhang said with a sneer, "you don't—you don't look down on people! Isn't the imperial concubine a relative of our family?"

Mrs. Zhang wanted to say, "You young dog sees people as inferior", but after glancing at the bright long knife, he didn't dare and changed his words.

The small river patrol officer was taken aback, and muttered in his heart.

There are a lot of business travelers traveling from south to north in this canal wharf, and the river patrol officials from all over the place have heard the accent.

As soon as the Liu family, Zhang family and others opened their mouths, he could tell that they were from Guangdong and Guangxi, most likely from Guangdong.

This——that's right, isn't the imperial concubine born and raised with Master Mu in Guangdong?

The second young master and the second young wife of the Mu family are well-known in the capital, especially in the business world.

As a low-level official, and in charge of such a mixed place, he has always been very well informed.

Knowing that what this woman said is correct, the second young master of the Mu family is indeed called Mu Jianan, and his wife seems to be surnamed Shi, these people—

"What's your husband's family name?"

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