Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3012 It's a bit of a sudden realization... It's hard to say

Chapter 3012 It's a bit difficult to say when I suddenly realized

"I know what your second aunt's plan is. Miss Xuan hasn't engaged yet, and she is a famous beauty in our area. It's hard to say what other thoughts your second aunt would have. Who said she couldn't grab her back then? Mother, did this marriage with the Mu family fall on your head? Now that the Mu family is getting more and more prosperous, it's possible that your second aunt is feeling more and more anxious."

Shi Fangyun understood now.

It's a bit hard to say when I suddenly realized.

It's not her fault. When she saw Mu Jianan back then, she fell in love with him very much. If she couldn't marry this man, she might not have the heart to marry someone else in her life, so naturally she would try her best to get him.

Besides, Mu Jian'an also likes her. After all these years, although the Mu family had a rule of not taking concubines, he was genuinely kind to her, and Shi Fangyun didn't regret her persistence.

"Second aunt's heart is too big, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to get her wish! The capital city is different from our south side." Shi Fangyun smiled.

It is true that there are many houses of honorable noble families, large and small, in the capital, but the situation in many mansions is very complicated, and various intrigues emerge endlessly among various brothers, concubine sons and concubine daughters.

And many honorable families have long since declined. To put it bluntly, they are just superficial.

Such a family has nothing but a nice name.

It is not uncommon for all of them to live on the family wealth saved by their ancestors, and it is not uncommon to live on pawns. If they are born with a high status and a head and face, they are arrogant and clean-sighted.

Marrying with such a family, the days to come will be full of bitterness.

Mrs. Liu sneered: "That's needless to say? At the feet of the emperor, of course it's different! But your sixth younger sister seems to be so interesting, let them go! As long as they don't embarrass you or the Mu family, let them It's a toss, otherwise I will think that I deliberately prevent her from finding a good son-in-law and hate me."

Shi Fangyun nodded and said with a smile: "Mother said so, I know it in my heart."

However, the mother and daughter expected Zhang's mother and daughter to be able to toss, but they never expected them to be so capable. This is a later story

The mother and daughter are talking privately here, and Zhang's mother and daughter are also talking there.

Mrs. Zhang is very envious of the Mu family's style, and just thinks it's good to look anywhere.

It is said that the historian also has a lot of money, except for those gifts from the emperor, the historian can still afford many things of the Mu family.

It's just that the layout of this house is different, no matter how you look at it, it is very luxurious, unlike my own house, it looks tacky at first glance.

Mrs. Zhang didn't know what vulgarity was before, but now she looked at it and compared it in her mind, and she immediately understood it.

While envious, I couldn't help but sigh, "It's the capital city, it's just different!"

The Shi family is a big family in the south, and before Mu Jin left the pavilion, she also visited the Shi family as a guest, and she really knew the Liu family.

It's just that the current Mu Jin naturally doesn't have that memory.

But this is the second sister-in-law's natal family, and there is "friendship", since she came to the capital, Mu Jin had to show something.

After all, the fourth master now uses the Mu family, the state-owned firm and Baigongyuan, and the second sister-in-law has contributed a lot, and the establishment of a firm in the south cannot do without the support of the historian.

Mrs. Liu is the eldest daughter-in-law of the historian family, and Mu Jin will pay more attention to the future clan wife.

Knowing that Mrs. Liu was going to Beijing earlier, she has been paying attention.

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