Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3019 The mother and son are also worried

Mu Jin's heart was sweet and warm, and a little funny, she scolded him and said: "The concubine is really reluctant to part with you, but I don't want you to worry about the concubine on the way, don't worry, the concubine will take good care of yourself Yes. Take care, too, and don’t call any nonsensical women into schemes.”

Fourth master couldn't laugh or cry, "Is I so stupid? Can any random woman plot against me?"

Mu Jin was stunned, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, the emperor is wise, it was a slip of the tongue by my concubine."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Fourth master bowed his head and kissed her cheek lightly. In this world, she is the only one who can plot against him.

As far as this is concerned, it's not that she is so clever and resourceful, it's just that he is willing to cooperate and tease her to play, seeing through without telling the truth.

With a few words of teasing, Fourth Master held her hand, his deep black eyes gleamed with light, he lowered his eyes to stare at her and said softly: "Don't be brave, I'm really worried. Where is the concubine? You should be careful there, concubine."

Because Old Fourteen hadn't returned to Beijing for so long, Concubine De became more and more impatient and impatient.

Although Fourth Master's current strategy towards her is basically to ignore her, but such a living person and his own mother lives in this palace, no matter how much he ignores her, it is impossible to lose sight of her.

If she leaves Beijing, what will she do if she can't keep it all.

Concubine Qi seems to be honest, but Hongshi grows up day by day, and she keeps making small moves. It's hard to say that there is nothing about Concubine Qi here.

The mother and son were also worried.

There is also Longkodo, if he colludes with Hongshi inside and outside, it's really hard to say.

Mu Jin is not alone, she has to take care of Hongzhang and Ji'er, and Ji'er follows her every day, but Hongzhang has to go to school and learn riding and archery from his master, so he can't stop his homework just because he is out of Beijing, right? ?

The fourth master was worried about their mother and son, but he was unwilling to protect Hongzhang too much. He is not too young, and he should learn to face some things in many cases. However, the fourth master was afraid that it would be too late

In short, I was extremely conflicted.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty," Mu Jin smiled softly, and looked at him calmly with clear eyes: "There are many people under my concubine's hands, and outside there are the Thirteenth Master and the Ninth Master, as well as the concubine's natal family. Where is it so delicate?"

"Your Majesty, just keep your heart in your stomach. I still want to stand side by side with you in the future. If you can't even handle such a little thing, then you don't deserve to stand by your side."

The fourth master subconsciously relaxed a little, but he smiled and said: "Except for Jin'er, there is no one else who is worthy of standing beside me. The position next to me can only be Jin'er! But I just want to protect Jin'er, let me Jin'er doesn't have to think about anything, doesn't have to worry about planning, as long as she stays with me properly."

Mu Jin glanced at him: "Just sleep with you?"

Fourth Master was startled, unable to laugh or cry: "Jin'er!"

"That's what you mean!" Mu Jin twitched her mouth: "But I feel that I can do better, and I am not so weak."

"Okay, I was wrong, I just want to treat you better!" Fourth Master hugged her with a smile and sighed.

Mu Jin was taken aback, and the slightly dissatisfied and competitive temperament that had just been born in her heart disappeared instantly.

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