Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3022 the imperial concubine is never the one who swallows her anger

I don't know how many people are pitying me behind my back. How can I control this kind of "lime limelight" Li Si'er?

It is enough to take care of yourself.

Li Si'er is not qualified to bring a maid into the palace, and Dai Jia only brought Qiu Ming.

When the three entered the palace, many people had already arrived, waiting for the imperial concubine in the imperial garden.

The little eunuch who led the way for the two took them directly to Yikun Palace, saying that the imperial concubine had something to say and wanted to meet them first.

At this moment, Da Fujin, Princess Li, Seventh Fujin, Tenth Fujin, Thirteenth, Fourteenth Fujin and many other people have also arrived, and they are also chatting and joking with Mu Jin in Yikun Palace.

Now the Fujins from various prefectures have a better relationship with Mu Jin.

As soon as Dai Jiashi and Li Si'er walked into the courtyard, they heard laughter from the hall.

When the two went in, all the Fujins looked over at a glance, they were obviously stunned, they exchanged looks, and they were all a little speechless.

Speaking of which, Li Si'er was dressed in pomegranate red and gold embroidered clothes, and his hair was shining golden, but no matter how rich his attire was, he didn't make people feel a bit noble, on the contrary, he looked a bit nondescript.

On the contrary, Dai Jiashi's body suits her very well, she can hold the occasion, and she has a good momentum.

In this way, the two stood together even more awkwardly.

Shi Fujin hid his face and let out a "puchi" chuckle.

Mu Jin was wearing a stone blue tunic plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum round-neck gown today, with a string of oriental pearls on the slanted front. The hair is also braided in a bun, and she wears a set of red gold amulets with Zhai birds holding beads, auspicious clouds, ganoderma lucidum and flowers.

The whole set of filigree plate is exquisitely made of red gold, except that nine longan-sized top-quality east pearls are inlaid just right and patchwork, and there is no other decoration.

During the movement, the pearls are shining, the tassels are trembling slightly, and there is a three-point elegance and agility in the nobility and magnificence.

The red gold beaded head and face make the stone blue tunic gown look not too dull, but complement each other, bringing a touch of bright color, making her look more noble and calm. This low-key luxury texture reveals The dignity, one can't help but feel awe when they meet each other.

"The concubine greets the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine is auspicious." Dai Jia led Li Si'er forward, bowing her knees.

As for Qiuming, she didn't even have the qualifications to set foot in Yikun's palace, so she waited in an orderly manner under the corridor outside the hall.

"Mrs. Dai Jia, excuse me, sit down." Mu Jin smiled.

"Thank you imperial concubine!"

Dai Jiashi subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and responded with a smile, and walked to the side to get on and off the first seat with a dignified posture.

Li Si'er naturally followed Dai Jiashi.

But Mu Jin called her: "Mr. Li!"

Li Sier paused and looked at Mu Jin: "I don't know if the imperial concubine is still busy?"

Mu Jin got angry when she saw her, and even more angry when she saw that she was barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, relying on Longkodo to protect her, she didn't care about anything, and smiled coldly: "Did I let you go?" ? It’s against the rules not to kneel down to pay respects to Bengong, right?”

A concubine, she wants to let her know that it is an easy thing for her to take care of her.

The atmosphere in the palace froze for an instant, and the Fujins finally understood that the imperial concubine was afraid of making trouble today, and intended to deal with Li Si'er ruthlessly.

It's no wonder that the imperial concubine has never been a master who swallows her anger.

When the emperor was just a Baylor and the imperial concubine was just a Baylor, he dared to challenge the eight blessings. Now that he is an imperial concubine, how can he tolerate what Li Si'er does?

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