Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3029 Longkodo is in a state of distress

All right, since this is the case, in order not to make mistakes, Li Si'er had better not go out in the future, and don't blame her for controlling the access control ruthlessly.

Since she is allowed to take care of it, she will take care of it

Because of Li Si'er's incident, Long Ke was almost ridiculed by the crowd, and even Xing Fan was ridiculed in the Imperial Forest Army.

He couldn't stand his bad temper, he had a fight with someone, but he was severely punished, and he went home injured. When Li Si'er saw him, he was so angry that he wanted to come to fight with others. She went back to her own yard and locked the door.

When Longkodo came back, he pointed to this matter and told him to let him take care of it himself.

Longkodo was devastated.

This Dai Jiashi is too rough!

But he couldn't blame Dai Jiashi, Li Si'er must not go out and cause trouble now.

He couldn't understand, didn't he come here for more than ten years? Hasn't she been tossing about three acres of land in her backyard for more than ten years?

Isn't that great? She can do whatever she wants.

Why do you have to go out and make trouble? He spoke so clearly, why couldn't she understand?

Long Kedo's face was not very good, and he reprimanded Li Si'er and started crying again, causing Long Kedo to be devastated, and Tong Jia's house was very lively.

Dai Jiashi doesn't think it's a big deal to eat melon seeds and go to the theater, and it's a joy in her heart.

It's a very boring day!

Does Longkodo think this is the end?

Not really.

For some reason, some old things were brought up and said.

It turned out that Li Si'er was not born as an ordinary maid.

It's a bit hard to say, Li Si'er was originally a maidservant of Long Ke Duo's wife's natal family, but was later taken over by Long Ke Duo's father-in-law as a concubine.

In the end, for some reason, I accidentally saw that Longkodo was attracted to her, so he had the audacity to ask his father-in-law for it.

The family background of Longke's multiple marriages is not as good as Tong Jia's, and his daughter is not liked by her husband after marrying into Tong Jia's. How could Longkodo's father-in-law dare to offend this son-in-law?

And thinking about giving this concubine to the son-in-law, maybe it can help the daughter to keep her favor and please the son-in-law a little more?

So, Li Si'er just followed Long Kedo.

If Longkodo's father-in-law knew that Li Si'er was a scourge, and instead of helping his daughter to be a favorite, he bullied and humiliated his daughter and made her mad, I'm afraid he would rather beat her to death than give her to Longkodo.

As for Longkodo making Li Si'er mad at his first wife, firstly he likes her, and secondly, he may not have a guilty conscience--after all, he robbed the concubine of his wife's father, and faced his first wife every day. When I was Madam, I felt somewhat awkward and uncomfortable.

She died, but she was clean.

This matter was not kept secret, but no one made a big publicity, at most, there were a few gossips when someone talked about it in the first year or two.

After all, although this kind of thing is a bit absurd, it is really nothing to be around with only one concubine.

One of the ways many people treat their sons as Lao Tzu is to give their concubines to their sons!

Incest, that is also about qualifications, a concubine is not worthy of this ethics. No one talks about incest with a concubine.

But if someone turned up the fanfare and made a big fuss, deliberately made it shameless, that's another matter.

After all, it is not a glorious thing for a son-in-law to ask for his father-in-law's concubine.

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