Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3032 send away decisively

Where did the two eunuchs beside Mu Jin let her approach? He stopped her from a distance.

Concubine Qi struggled and shoved angrily: "Bold slave! Let go! Don't let me back down! Today, no matter what, I will seek justice for the third elder brother!"

How could people in Yikun Palace listen to her?

Concubine Qi shouted anxiously to her own people: "Are you all dead? What are you doing standing there in a daze while watching Ben Gong being bullied?"

Nanny Li hesitated to speak: ""

Everyone in Jingyang Palace looked at me and you, at a loss, with a face full of confusion.

Since her master entered the palace, the emperor has never set foot in the Jingyang Palace. Although Concubine Qi's pomp and circumstance are still there, it was when she kept her own order and did not cause trouble. Will be lenient.

In this palace, if there is no favored concubine, it is just a decoration.

Concubine Qi wants to show off and show off because she is "reasonable", but how dare everyone in Jingyang Palace?

You must know that the imperial concubine is not only spoiled and proud, but also has a bad temper. A few days ago, I cleaned up that Aunt Li at Lord Longkodo's house. She stripped her face and stomped on the ground. At the end, she was rewarded with twenty big boards and carried it out of the palace!

If anyone dares to make a move today, it's hard for Concubine Qi to say that something will happen to her, but, according to the temperament of the imperial concubine, those who do it will definitely have no good results.

Concubine Qi yelled angrily: "It's wrong, it's wrong! You dog slaves, you can't do it wrong!"

As soon as Mu Jin arrived, Hongzhang rushed over, his face tensed and aggrieved, "Er Niang!"

Hearing Hongzhang's slightly crying voice, Mu Jin felt distressed. She hurriedly took the child into her arms and gently patted his back, comforting him softly: "Hey, don't be afraid, Er Niang is here. Er Mother's Brother Nian is a good boy, Er Niang believes in you, and if other people don't care about it, Brother Nian doesn't have to worry about anything, be good!"

Although Hongzhang was sensible, he was still too young after all, and this incident really scared him a little bit.

After Er Niang said this, she relaxed in her heart, looked up at Mu Jin with admiration, nodded her head and said "yes", her eyes were misty, which made Mu Jin feel very distressed.

Concubine Qi yelled and yelled, she had a deep grudge against her, this time she finally caught her "handle", how could she let it go?

She can't control others, but she can't control Concubine Qi's bad words.

As a person who has traveled from a modern soul, Mu Jin knows better than anyone else how much damage the adult's vicious words, deeds, expressions and swearing words will most likely cause to a child, so she ignores Concubine Qi, After appeasing Hongzhang, he immediately ordered someone to take him away, to rest in the Qianqing Palace, and ordered someone to comfort him.

Send someone to call when he is needed here.

If Concubine Qi refuses to calm down and speaks maliciously, Mu Jin will never let her son show up.

Something is coming for her.

When Concubine Qi was stopped by someone running towards Mu Jin, Hongzhang had already told Mu Jin to send her away decisively.

When Concubine Qi saw this, her eyes burst into flames with hatred, "Imperial Concubine, you are too deceitful! When the Emperor comes back, I will definitely report to the Emperor, so that the Emperor can clearly see the face of this vicious woman like you!"

Mu Jin stood still, expressionless, and looked up at Concubine Qi.

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