Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3046 the emperor has expected

"Speaking of it this way, I think it would be more appropriate to ask the concubine. This thief calls for a thief, and I think so too."

"You—" Concubine De was ashamed and angry, and said angrily, "What do you mean?"

Mu Jin smiled and said, "What does concubine concubine mean, and concubine naturally means something too."

"You—good, good!" In front of the Thirteenth Master and Prince Li, Concubine De was angry and hated, feeling that she had lost all face, trembling with anger, her heart hurting, "Mu Shi, the emperor is not in Beijing, You are so arrogant to Bengong, you really have the guts!"

Mu Jin smiled: "Princess Taifei, don't be wronged. This concubine's words are just imitating what you said, so how can you be considered arrogant? Besides, don't say that the emperor is not in Beijing, he is. You dare to say those words in front of the emperor, the emperor has always been the most fair and just in dealing with things, and the concubine is just imitating the empress dowager to say a few words, how can the emperor blame him?"

"If you really want to blame it, wouldn't it be the same as blaming the empress dowager too? How could the emperor blame the empress dowager too!"

Concubine De: ""

Concubine De was breathing heavily, she was about to die of anger!

This bitch, this bitch, is also an imperial concubine, with such a cheap mouth, I'm afraid she is no different from that street shrew! Where is she worthy of being an imperial concubine?

Prince Li almost died laughing, lowered his head, tried hard to hold back his lips and gritted his teeth, holding back and holding back his laughter. A pair of eyes sparkled with a smile.

The Thirteenth Master was extremely helpless, unable to laugh or cry.

He couldn't help but cast a sympathetic glance at Concubine De and Mu Jin, moved his lips, and finally closed them again.

Strange way, before the emperor left Beijing, he asked him to help take care of some palaces, and if something happened, the imperial concubine would ask someone to deliver a letter to him, so he must come forward as soon as possible.

Then the emperor told him that if there was any quarrel between the imperial concubine and the concubine de, let him pretend that he didn't hear it.

At the time, he still felt that these words came out of nowhere, but now he understood.

The Emperor Dare to Love had expected it a long time ago.

The Thirteenth Master thought a little unkindly, maybe the emperor had already expected that the imperial concubine would not suffer, right?

I don't know why the concubine's temperament has become like this

Anyone who is suspected of engaging in selfish things will not be in a good mood, and it is impossible to develop a good impression of this person.

Although not necessarily blame her.

Thirteenth Lord is in such a mood at the moment.

"What you said is so unreasonable!" Concubine De was obviously a smoker who made Mu Jin angry, so how could she just let it go? Angrily said: "According to you, it is impossible for me to be biased towards the third elder brother? Both are my grandsons, how could I be biased!"

Let alone Mu Jin, even Concubine Qi and Hong Shi had strange eyes and complicated moods.

In this world, the most eccentric person is probably De Taifei, right?

In her heart, Master Fourteen is good in everything, but the emperor does nothing wrong. As soon as the emperor came to the throne, she clamored for the emperor to make the Fourteenth Prince the Iron Hat Prince. How could this matter be hidden from others? After all, everyone more or less knows something.

I gossiped a lot while drinking, and even joked about it for fourteen

"The concubine didn't say that," Mu Jin's lips twitched, half mocking: "You, this is the fairest way to treat your children and grandchildren. Does anyone inside or outside the palace know that?"

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