Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3054 Who knew it was messed up again

It was so easy for the maid to leave, but the fourth child was so cunning, he hesitated to get on the horse.

Just when he raised his foot and was about to step on the stirrup, his heart just let go, but at that moment the effect of the medicine kicked in!

That's not counting, but the frightened beast turned a corner and came straight towards him!

God knows that at that moment the third elder brother was so startled and outraged that he didn't pass out.

Looking back now, I still feel aggrieved, angry, and lucky.

Fortunately, he was not trampled on by the horse, breaking his leg or simply trampling on his chest and abdomen, otherwise his life would be in jeopardy.

The fourth son, that bastard, what kind of shit luck is this!

I thought that even so, although it did not achieve the purpose planned in advance, it could still make a fuss and teach the fourth mother and son a lesson.

Who knew it was screwed up again.

That's not enough, let alone the imperial concubine ordered someone to invite the second uncle and the thirteenth uncle, and handed over this matter to them for investigation

If the imperial concubine investigates by herself, even if it is handed over to the Punishment Commissioner in the palace, no matter what the findings are, she can deny it and insist that it was her who threatened and lured, framed and blamed.

After all, she is the master in this harem, so what about the Punishment Department? Who knows if she was bribed?

But when this matter fell into the hands of the second uncle and the thirteenth uncle, it was different.

Hongshi knew very well how much his Huang Ama trusted Uncle Thirteen.

When he learned that the case had come to light and that Zhang Ci had confessed everything, Hongshi almost fainted in shock.

Fortunately, after learning the details, his beating heart barely calmed down.

But still don't worry!

He knew that Zhang Ci's dog slave's mouth was not reliable at all.

Although Uncle Thirteen said that the case has been closed, so far, how to deal with Zhang Ci will be decided after Huang Ama returns.

But—what he was afraid of was that Huang Ama would come back to make a decision!

Will Huang Ama really believe Zhang Ci's confession?

Hiroshi felt that he could not afford to take such a risk.

Concubine Qi's side also knew the result.

Her first reaction was: fake!

Shouldn't it be that the fourth elder brother harmed the third elder brother with ulterior motives? Why did it turn out that the servants around the third elder brother framed the fourth elder brother, and the unlucky third elder brother was hurt instead, while the fourth elder brother avoided it by accident?

I'm really not convinced after thinking about it!

Even if Concubine Qi was unreasonable, she knew very well that although Zhang Ci did this, even though the third elder brother didn't know about it at all, who called Zhang Ci the third elder brother's slave?

I'm afraid that when the emperor returns to Beijing, he will definitely blame the third elder brother, at least blame him for his lack of discipline.

The emperor didn't like the third elder brother very much, so wouldn't it be, wouldn't it be more difficult for the third elder brother?

Concubine Qi ran to the third elder brother, and couldn't help crying at him sadly, how could this happen? What will the emperor do when he comes back?

That piece of porcelain is so bold! It’s okay to be brave, and you are so unreliable in doing things. The fourth elder brother is doing well, but it hurts the third elder brother.

Concubine Qi gritted her teeth, backed away from the left and right, and said to the third elder brother: "Third elder brother, I am afraid that the emperor will be dissatisfied when he comes back to find out about this matter. You, your injury should be made more serious. If it is more serious, maybe the emperor will be dissatisfied. When I saw it, I felt a little pity in my heart.”

Third elder brother's eyes lit up.

Concubine Qi had just finished saying this, but she vetoed it again, "No, no, you were injured in the first place, if it was more serious, wouldn't you suffer even more? No, no!"

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