Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3065 That's the fourth master's weakness

He was a little impatient.

The Thirteenth Lord took out a volume from his arms, got up and presented it with both hands: "Please look over it, Your Majesty."

Su Peisheng quickly took it and presented it to Fourth Master.

Fourth Master unfolded the dossier, glanced at ten lines at a glance, and after only reading the beginning, he became furious and slapped the dossier in his hand on the imperial case, his face livid and shouted: "You bastard!"

The Thirteenth Lord and Prince Li didn't dare to make a sound, let alone persuade "the emperor to appease his anger".

It's strange that this matter can appease anger.

As people who watched Si Ye walk along the way, they knew better than anyone that the imperial concubine's position in Si Ye's heart was different from anyone else's.

That was fourth master's weakness.

Similarly, the fourth elder brother is also.

Thank goodness for the third elder brother, he is also the son of the fourth master, otherwise, even if he can save his life this time, his reputation will be ruined and he will never be able to hold his head up again

Fourth Master picked up the file again with a livid face, and looked down patiently.

The Thirteenth Master and Prince Li didn't dare to look up at his reaction—you can imagine it without looking at it, it's definitely not good-looking

With the sneer of the fourth master from time to time, the low air pressure in the hall became heavier and heavier, and it was so oppressive that people couldn't breathe.

"Where's Zhang Ci?" Throwing down the file, Fourth Master took a deep breath, his eyes were sharp, but he asked this first.

The Thirteenth Master was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "My brother imprisoned him in the prison of Dali Temple, and he is well guarded."

It was true that the guards were well guarded, but it was also true that three groups of people broke in at night trying to kill people.

The thirteenth master struggled a lot about this and did not tell the fourth master. Telling him he would only annoy him more.

The fourth master nodded, and said calmly: "Let's close this case. Zhang Ci is sinister and vicious. He committed crimes against his superiors, murdered the prince, ransacked his family's home, exiled Ninggu Pagoda to serve as slaves to armored men, and his descendants were not allowed to leave for three generations! "

As for after three generations, I am afraid there will be no one left, right?

Fourth master sneered, didn't Zhang Ci take the initiative to take the blame? He thought that the third child would be able to protect his family? dream!

He couldn't be cruel enough to kill his own son, but it didn't matter if he wanted to move a servant.

Since he protects his master so much, why not let the whole family and the nine clans go together.

He wants to see, after this incident, who will dare to do this kind of thing for the third child in the future.

The Thirteenth Master and Prince Li were taken aback.

The two of them expected that fourth master would be angry, but they didn't expect to be so furious.

The Thirteenth Master opened his mouth, and subconsciously wanted to persuade him, but he thought that the fourth brother would not have many children, no matter which one was lost, it would be a big deal, how could he not be angry? So he swallowed the words of persuasion, bowed his head and said yes.

The fourth master glanced at him, and continued coldly: "Zhang Ci himself will be executed tomorrow with a stick. Before execution, tell him what will happen to his family and the Nine Clans! I want him to die with peace! The third elder brother is not strict, and he is also at fault. Tomorrow you two will take him to the prison of Dali Temple, I want him to watch Zhang Ci be tortured to death with his own eyes, remember, I want him to open his eyes and watch with his own eyes!"

Not to mention the change of the Thirteenth Master's face, Prince Li's expression also changed, and he couldn't help but said: "This, Your Majesty, is it, isn't it, is it a bit, a bit serious to the third elder brother? What if the third elder brother is frightened?" Isn't it "

"Heh!" Fourth Master sneered, and said mockingly, "He is very courageous, so I can't scare him. If he can scare him more honestly, it will be his blessing."

This son was not a person with any talent, learning virtue, but he had a big heart.

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