Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3069 only to blame

"No matter what the emperor does, I will understand. Your Majesty, he will not hurt my heart."

Besides, the third elder brother is a son, so isn't the fourth elder brother a son?

Besides, which of the two sons is better and which is crooked, isn't that a clear thing?

Fourth Master was very busy today, so he sent two dishes to Yikun Palace and Hongzhang for lunch from the imperial dining room, and he didn't come to Yikun Palace, he used some at will in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

In the afternoon, Su Peisheng came over to report to Mu Jin the treatment of Zhang Ci and the third elder brother.

Mu Jin never expected that fourth master would do this, so he remained silent for a while.

Yanmao, sorghum, buckwheat, etc. were also shocked!

There was a bit of indignation and righteous indignation at first, but now they all disappeared.

I don't know if Zhang Ci would regret taking over all this for the third elder brother, but since he helped the tyrant and abused him, and he stood up to suffer for the master in such a "righteous way", he can't blame anyone.

It's your own fault.

Zhang Ci died with a stick, and the nine clans ransacked his family and exiled Ninggu Tower as slaves. He was not allowed to leave Ninggu Tower for three generations.

However, at that time, even if he vomited blood, it would be useless.

After this experience, let's see who dares to help the third elder brother to use this kind of dirty trick behind his back.

Those who don’t have the Nine Clans can give it a try—however, if they don’t have the Nine Clans, it’s not as simple as sticking.

As for the punishment of the third elder brother, apart from watching Zhang Ci being executed with a stick, he also had to study behind closed doors for half a year. In other words, if the fourth master was kind, he might be released on New Year's Eve.

Otherwise, New Year's Eve can only be spent in Nansan Institute.

Let's say that the third elder brother waited and waited. From yesterday to today, he didn't wait for the fourth master, but he waited for the thirteenth master and Prince Li. At that time, he felt a little bad.

The Thirteenth Master glanced at the third elder brother who was obviously panicked but forced to be calm, and secretly sighed in his heart, thinking why bother? make it like this

"Third elder brother, please come with us to Dali Temple. The emperor has an order. The sinful slave Zhang Ci murdered the prince and gave him a stick to kill. The third elder brother has no way to rule. He should be educated. He ordered his relatives to watch the punishment. The third elder brother ,please."

"I—" The third elder brother's face paled instantly, and he shook his head again and again: "I won't go, I won't go! Since Zhang Ci's slave deserved what he deserved, I have no objection to Huang Ama punishing him with a cane, but what are you doing to me? I don't know." Go! I, I—by the way, I, my leg is injured, and the injury on my leg and foot is still not healed, so I can't go anywhere!"

The Thirteenth Master and Prince Li exchanged such a look, both of them shook their heads in their hearts.

If I knew today, why bother?

He had to be thankful that Hongzhang was fine, otherwise, did he think he was the winner without Hongzhang? That can only show that he really doesn't know Huang Ama well.

Prince Li smiled: "Don't worry, chairs, sedan chairs and carriages have been prepared outside, and it doesn't matter if your leg is injured."


"Third elder brother, this is your imperial ama's will, do you want to resist it?"

The third elder brother was speechless for a moment.

The prison of Dali Temple is definitely not a beautiful place.

Zhang Ci didn't know that his death was coming, but when he saw the third elder brother coming to visit him in person, his eyes instantly glowed, sparkling, and he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

"Third elder brother! Third elder brother!" Zhang Ci knelt down, kowtowed to third elder brother repeatedly, and began to cry——

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