Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3072 Dare to do or not to be

The third elder brother nodded quickly when he heard the words and said solemnly: "Yes, my son would like to listen to Huang Ama's order, help me up quickly!"

"Third elder brother just sit and listen," Su Peisheng said immediately: "The emperor has an order. The third elder brother is not strict with his orders, which almost caused a catastrophe. He orders him to study behind closed doors immediately, and spend half a year thinking about it. Half a step away from Nansan Institute."

In other words, the ban begins from this moment.

"" The third elder brother was stunned, "This is impossible! This is impossible! I, I am not strict with my command but I was also injured! Huang Ama can't treat me like this! All this is Zhang Ci's dog What the slave did was the dog slave's own will! He, hasn't he been punished now? Isn't he dead? I'm going to see Huang Ama, Huang Ama won't treat me like this!"

Su Peisheng is the number one confidant next to the fourth master, which one of the things that the fourth master has handled has been hidden from him?

The truth about the startled horse may not be known to others, but Su Peisheng knows the truth.

Seeing the third elder brother like this, I can't help but feel a little chilled and contemptuous.

Dare to act or not

Zhang Ci was also blind, following such a master.

If you say that they are slaves, what they are most afraid of is following a master like the third elder brother. If you let you do bad things, if something goes wrong, you come out and take the blame. plant everything on your head

"The third elder brother listened to the slave's persuasion. The emperor was very angry about this matter. The emperor will not investigate further, but he will not see the third elder brother at this moment. The third elder brother should study hard, think about his mistakes, and cultivate his mind and character. When the emperor's anger dissipates, he will naturally meet the third elder brother." Su Peisheng said with a sigh.

Third elder brother's complexion turned white in an instant.

He looked at Su Peisheng in horror, his mind was buzzing.

What do you mean?

What is "no further investigation"? What's the meaning? Does Huang Ama already know something?

Brother San's mind was rumbling and chaotic, and when he raised his head, there was no sign of Su Peisheng?

Su Peisheng has already left!

The third elder brother was furious, "Wow!" spit out a mouthful of blood, scared Zhang Tong and other court ladies and eunuchs screaming and screaming into chaos.

"Shut up!" The third elder brother was furious, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "Change clothes quickly, the master is going to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, hurry up!"

How can you believe the words of Su Peisheng, that dog slave? That dog slave flattered Yikun Palace very much.

To lie, he must be lying to himself.

can't be fooled

The third elder brother changed his clothes, and then ordered someone to carry the chair and sedan chair and go out.

No, the gate to the courtyard is closed and can no longer be opened from the inside.

The third elder brother suddenly struck like five thunderbolts.

"Call the door! Call the door!"

The little eunuch stepped forward to call the door, and there were guards guarding the door, but the guards said that the door could only be opened when delivering meals, otherwise the door could not be opened, this was the emperor's order

The third elder brother's face was ashen, and he stared blankly at the front, his eyes were empty, and his whole body was as desperate as if he was dead.

he knows he's done

Huang Ama must know everything, Huang Ama put him under house arrest, and even put him under house arrest.

Half a year, half a year

A prince elder brother was put under house arrest for half a year, isolated from inside and outside. He was deaf and blind.

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