Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3075 How can she hide her emotional changes from the fourth master

Seeing Mu Jin, the bright and charming woman's eyes sparkled, she smiled lightly, and the tender affection revealed in every frown, smile, and every word and action made his heart unconsciously become gentle and happy, and her thin lips were slightly curled up. , with a smile in her black eyes, she embraced the person with a kiss and affection.

Leng was so teased that his body was soft, and the corners of his eyes and brows were full of charm, and he gave up in his arms.

Looking down at the warm and soft woman in his arms who was attached to him, the fourth master felt great joy and satisfaction in his heart, he smiled lowly, lowered his head and kissed her face forcefully, "Jin'er!"

Mu Jin raised her eyes coquettishly, this person, sometimes he is really wicked. It's not good enough if people don't cooperate.

Tired for a while, the fourth master narrowed his eyes slightly, lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice: "The third son and concubine Qi are both grounded now, I think they should have learned a lesson, killing a chicken to show a monkey, others should have a steelyard in their hearts, No one dares to rush to find death, Jin'er can rest assured in the future."

Mu Jin smiled and said softly: "The concubine lives in the palace, even if she steps out of the palace gate, she is still with the emperor. The concubine always feels at ease. The two of them are grounded, and the concubine is not so worried about Brother Nian No matter how smart and capable that child is, he is still too young. He is a boy, and the concubine can't keep an eye on him all the time, but don't stare at him—I'm not afraid of the emperor's jokes. Is there something in the concubine's heart? It's not peaceful. There is still a gap in the hundred secrets, and sometimes, the gap only lasts for a moment, but it will happen in this moment--Chen Qie is only hoping that Brother Nian will grow up quickly."

This child is smart, eager to learn, and quick-witted. As long as he is given enough time, he will definitely grow up strong.

In this point, Mu Jin is very confident.

If he can't beat the third elder brother when he grows up, then Mu Jin can only have nothing to say.

Willing to gamble and admit defeat.

After all, it was impossible for her to support him for the rest of his life. Even if she is an imperial concubine, she has no control over matters in the court.

He was born in the royal family, and he had to face and solve many things by himself, and no one could help him.

Unless he is willing to give up everything and just be a rich and idle prince who eats, drinks and has fun all day long.

But even if he is willing, will third elder brother let him go? If Concubine Qi becomes the Empress Dowager, can she let him go? impossible.

he has only one way to go

I don't know which heart was touched, but as soon as these words came out, Mu Jin's nose was sore, the circles of his eyes gradually turned red, and tears almost fell down.

How could she hide her emotional changes from fourth master?

The fourth master sighed secretly, hugged her tightly, patted her shoulder lightly, and comforted her in a low and soft voice: "Hey, don't think about it, our brother Nian is blessed with great destiny, and he will inherit this world in the future." , with the blessings of the ancestors, how can others hurt it? Brother Nian is also doing his best, and he will be fine."

Mu Jin also felt that she seemed to be too concerned about it, so she was too sentimental, so she quietly and quickly wiped away the tears from her eyes, and nodded with a smile: "Well, your majesty is wise, you have a golden mouth and beautiful teeth, and my concubine listens to you."


Turning around, Fourth Master immediately ordered someone to pick out a dozen calligraphy and paintings, curiosities, and a set of Imperial Four Treasures of the Study from his private treasury as rewards to Hongzhang.

As for Mu Jin, although she doesn't need to reward him, she can just take everything he has, but Fourth Master intends to show it to everyone, so naturally he didn't let it go.

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