Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3081 This is the truth

Zhang choked up, really worried.

He sighed in great disappointment.

Seeing that she finally let go of this idea, Shi Fangxuan was secretly relieved.

Xin said that her mother is just whimsical. The little nephew is only one year younger than Yi Jing. Yi Jing has already read several books. Although he can't understand what he is reciting, he recites it very fluently and nicely. That's really smart. , that is the material for reading.

My little nephew can't even recite the Three Character Classic. Whenever my brother, sister-in-law, and grandfather ask him to read, he starts crying. How can he learn well?

What did you bring him in for?

The eldest aunt is the serious in-law of the Mu family, so it's no problem for Yi Jing to live here. After all, his house is separated by a floor, and he's still so naughty, isn't that annoying?

She still wants the Mu family to come forward to help her get married. The capital is so good, she really wants to marry here.

This place has everything you want, food and clothing. These days are eye-opening. She doesn't want to go back to the south.

Besides, my cousin can marry here, why can't she?

Favor is something that cannot be tolerated. If the little nephew uses it up, will the Mu family still be willing to help him?

Mrs. Luo thought that it was rare for Mrs. Liu and others to come, so she had to take them around.

There are those who are suitable to be guests, and take them to walk around together.

Even if they were not going to the first-class dignitaries and honorable families, and their background and style were not comparable to those in the south, the Liu family and others were really eye-opening, and Shi Fangxuan became more and more determined to marry in the capital.

It's just that, after going to three or four families who have a good relationship with the Mu family, they are all normal women's churches and gatherings. There is no occasion for the purpose of showing the little girls, so Zhang's inevitable I'm a little anxious.

After this, how long will it take to find a good son-in-law?

Mrs. Zhang didn't care about being reserved anymore. In the face of the huge benefits of a good son-in-law in the future, being reserved or face is not important, the important thing is being successful.

Mrs. Zhang didn't dare to ask Mrs. Luo directly, so she pestered Mrs. Liu, hesitantly expressing her desire to find a son-in-law for Shi Fangxuan in the capital.

"Sister-in-law, take a look, with Xuan'er's appearance and character, and our historian's financial resources, she can definitely marry into a famous family in the capital. Xuan'er has always respected you as an aunt, you Just help her!"

"Besides, Xuan'er will stay in the capital in the future, and Yun'er will also have a companion, right?"

Liu said in her heart, come, come, finally said it!

She had already seen through the thoughts of Zhang's mother and daughter, so why did she need to wait for Zhang to speak out?

Of course, Mrs. Liu wouldn't help her like this, and she couldn't help either.

This is the truth, not adulteration.

This is also the first time for her to come to the capital, where does she know anyone?

And couldn't help but persuade Mrs. Zhang sincerely, how good is the south? There are so many families who know everything about her. Xuan'er finds a husband's family that is close to her natal family, so that they can take care of each other in case of future problems. Isn't it better than this thousands of miles away?

Zhang's two eyes are full of the exquisiteness and ostentation of the big families in the capital, how can he listen to Liu's persuasion?

On the contrary, she was a little angry, thinking that Mrs. Liu just didn't want her daughter to marry well!

The capital is so bad, why did her own daughter marry here? Isn't that great?

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