Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3087 can blow for a year

Although Mu Jin has no friendship with Liu Shi and the others, the one who has friendship with them is the original owner, but she is very happy to have relatives come to the palace to talk.

The main reason is that they live inside the palace, and there are too few people outside that they can see.

It's not bad that she is like this, anyway, Fourth Master will take her out from time to time, and there are some people who come in, even if they come in, they will never even think about stepping out for half a step.

Ordering people to serve tea and refreshments, Mu Jin saw that they were uncomfortable, so she shunned all the court ladies and eunuchs, leaving only Madam Yan to serve by her side.

Mu Jin spoke with a smile and a gentle tone. With Madam Luo beside her, she talked about some interesting things about the family in the south in the past. Gradually, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zhang also relaxed.

Both of them were very happy in their hearts, the imperial concubine didn't put on airs at all, and she was willing to recognize them as relatives and talk to them well, that's amazing!

It is the material that can be blown for a year after going home again!

Shi Fangxuan and Mu Jin didn't know each other very well, so she sat beside Mrs. Zhang with a cute smile and had nothing to say, just listening to what they had to say.

Mrs. Liu winked very much, she knew in her heart that Mrs. Luo must have a private conversation with the imperial concubine, mother and son when she enters the palace.

This palace is no different than outside, there are more rules and regulations, how can we talk about it easily?

At least they have been in Mu's house for almost a month, and this is the first time Mrs. Luo has entered the palace.

So Mrs. Liu winked at Mrs. Zhang quietly, and said with a smile that she was going to wash her hands, and she might as well go together if she called Mrs. Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang refused without thinking.

She also wanted to flatter and curry favor with Mu Jin, and wished she could ask Mu Jin to pave the way for her daughter. Just looking at the magnificent posture of the imperial concubine she saw today, she knew that a word from the imperial concubine must be more effective than anything else!

You must know that it is not easy to enter the palace once. If you miss this time, there will be no next time.

Mrs. Liu winked at her desperately, and finally pulled her up without waiting for her to refuse, and quickly approached her and said something in her ear.

Mrs. Zhang froze, and immediately blushed embarrassingly. Only then did she understand what Mrs. Liu meant, and retreated with a smile, and dragged Shi Fangxuan along by the way.

Only then did Luo Shi hurriedly ask Mu Jin, "Is Si elder brother really all right? Are you scared?"

"Mother, don't worry." Mu Jin's heart warmed up, and she hurriedly said with a soft smile, "Si elder brother is fine, of course not."

Besides, after this incident broke out before, Mu Jin was also afraid that her mother's family would worry about it, so she had already sent someone to explain it clearly. Now that they have met, her mother still cares about this most.

Mrs. Luo didn't quite believe it, and sighed: "What happened on the day? Didn't you scare me? Brother Si is still so young, children can't help scaring them. Some of them were fine at the time, but they suddenly flare up after a while. There are also, if you were scared that day, you have to take care of it carefully."

When Mrs. Luo really talked about this, she couldn't help feeling distressed. How could such an older child, who is so polite and sensible on weekdays, do such a thing? Concubine Tai and Concubine Qi are too much

It's just that Mrs. Luo didn't dare to say these words.

"I wasn't scared that day," Mu Jin hurriedly explained to Mrs. Luo: "I was the first to get the news that day, so I rushed there immediately, and then I asked someone to take Brother Nian away without letting him see Concubine Qi. scolded and rebuked the concubine"

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