Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3093 Who wants to get it?

"I was young at the time, and I had a vague memory, but I don't remember clearly."

Hearing her daughter's question about this, Mrs. Zhang suddenly regained her spirits, with gossip burning in her eyes, "Oh, that's a big difference! If I didn't see it with my own eyes, how would I believe it?"

She lowered her voice subconsciously: "The imperial concubine was also beautiful in the past, she was so beautiful. If she didn't know that she was going to participate in the draft, she would have broken through the threshold long ago. It's just that the imperial concubine was still young at the time. She is very immature, and her temperament is different from now. At that time, she was a shy and quiet little girl, and she would blush when she said a few more words, ouch, she really is a completely different person from now!"

"I saw her in that palace this time, ouch, I was so frightened that I didn't dare to raise my head, and I didn't dare to speak loudly. But it gave me a big jump! It's not the same as the one who said more A little girl who can blush, this is what a royal concubine looks like! A royal concubine should look like this."

Mrs. Zhang sighed and said with emotion: "Earlier I heard that Miss Mu's family became the imperial concubine who favored the sixth palace. I was still puzzled in my heart. I said that such a shy and quiet girl is not very courageous. Can you be an imperial concubine? Which one of the nobles in the palace is a vegetarian? If you are a cowardly person, how can you compare to others? Even if you see the emperor, you will be too scared to speak. "

"I didn't expect this girl's 18th transformation, it has become too big! Oh, the imperial concubine, that is the emperor's woman, she has ascended to the sky, the Mu family, the Mu family, this is really a blessing."

Who would have thought that?

If she had known that the Mu family would have today, she would have snatched away the matter of marrying the Mu family even if she had gone all out and desperately fought for it.

Mrs. Zhang was talking and sighing there, but Shi Fangxuan lowered her head and remained silent, as if she was thinking about something.

Mrs. Zhang was babbling, confused, not smart enough, and didn't react quickly. It took a long time to realize that his daughter's appearance was so abnormal, "Hey, I say you, are you really okay? Is there really nothing wrong? "

Shi Fangxuan shook her head irritably.

"No! Then what's the matter with you? Why don't you look very happy."

Shi Fangxuan looked up at her, couldn't help holding her arm, and said tentatively: "Mother, you also said that Miss Mu's family was timid and quiet back then, and she was too young to say a word, but today we Seeing the imperial concubine, how can there be anything like what you said? Look, how do you see her daughter compared to Miss Mu's back then?"

Shi Fangxuan felt a little guilty for no reason, a faint blush rose on her face, she lowered her head a little shyly.

Mrs. Zhang was taken aback, although she didn't understand why her daughter was competing with the imperial concubine, she still said without hesitation: "Of course it's not as good as you! But don't say that, she is the imperial concubine now. Oh no , why do you ask this carefully?"

Shi Fangxuan turned to the side, playing with her hands unnaturally at the ends of her hair hanging on her chest, and said lightly: "The imperial concubine was not as good as me in the past, why, why can't I do what she can do?"

Mrs. Zhang was stupefied at first, then opened her eyes wide suddenly, "Ah!" She came to her senses, and immediately stammered: "You, you, what are you talking about? Damn girl, don't, don't talk nonsense! you you--"

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