Yonghe Tea House is quite famous for its refreshments, the emperor is here now, maybe when the queue will be available.

It is impossible for the caring Eunuch Su to let the emperor really line up here! Otherwise, it will delay the emperor's return to the palace to accompany the imperial concubine to have lunch, the emperor will definitely be unhappy

The guard informed me that there is no need to mention the name of the emperor—for fear of scaring people, it is enough to mention the Thirteenth Master.

Because of the short stay, Fourth Master didn't ask for a private room, but sat down in the lobby on the second floor by the window, and casually watched the bustling crowd below.

The people's spirits are good, lively and prosperous, and the fourth master is also a little happy and proud when he sees it

Just as he was complacent, suddenly a cautiously flattering and somewhat excited voice sounded beside him: "See the emperor!"

Fourth Master was stunned by the sound, suddenly raised his eyes, and stared coldly at the source of the sound.

His gaze was too sharp and cold, and Zhang's knees gave up in fright, "Ouch!" He fell to the ground with a sound, with a bit of panic and fear on his face involuntarily.

Shi Fangxuan, who was originally half-covering and hiding behind Zhang with a nympho smile and shyness, was also startled, and hurried to help her mother.

The movement here immediately attracted many guests to look here curiously.

Fourth Master couldn't help frowning, and gave Su Peisheng a displeased look.

Su Peisheng bowed with a bitter face, what can he do?

Coincidentally, the mother and daughter of the historian went upstairs and saw the emperor here, and immediately came over with their eyes shining. They are members of the historian. They only entered the palace a few days ago to greet the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine even gave him a warm reception. , How dare he, a slave, stop him?

Who knew this woman was so timid?

Fourth master ordered people to help Mrs. Zhang up.

Shi Fangxuan's cheeks were slightly red, and she thanked her in a low voice: "Thank you, Your Majesty"

Shi Fangxuan's heart was beating wildly like a deer, she was so distraught.

The emperor, the emperor is the emperor, even if he is not in the palace or wearing a dragon robe, his nobility and aura are beyond anyone else's.

The emperor is so kind-hearted, he even asked someone to help his mother up

Although Mrs. Zhang was terribly frightened, as soon as fourth master asked someone to help her up, she went up again!

Excited, ah, exuberant!

Ever since being beaten by Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Luo one after another, Mrs. Zhang has not been very energetic, half angry and half embarrassed, and has not gone out for two or three days.

But she is wholeheartedly looking for a good family for her daughter, so of course she won't be defeated so easily.

On the contrary, the more frustrated the more courageous.

That means: Don't you look down on me and refuse to help? I just want to make it for you to see! make you jealous

Of course, Fourth Master couldn't help but think about it, after all, if there was no way in the palace, it would be a place she would never be able to get in touch with anyway.

But besides the palace, aren't there so many high-ranking dignitaries in the capital?

And she had an idea, and came up with a clever trick, as long as she revealed the relationship between her family and the Mu family, and used this as a breakthrough point, she believed that there must be many families willing to marry her own daughter, and she might just choose it by herself.

Zhang, who has found the direction and goal of struggle again, is resurrected with full blood!

But she still remembered that she was having trouble with Mrs. Liu, and she didn't want to pay much attention to Mrs. Liu. Today, she left a message and brought Shi Fangxuan out. Originally, she just wanted to go to the teahouse, eat something, and then take a stroll. Buy some clothes and jewelry and go back.

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