Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3103 Dare to say such things in front of him

"In front of me, how can you allow such nonsense!"

"Your Majesty, please spare me!" Zhang's face turned pale with fright, the overwhelming pressure brought by Longyan's fury made Zhang's heart beat faster, and he kowtowed in panic, now he didn't talk about any way of speaking, She was so scared that she was incoherent and said everything, "Xuan'er is willing to serve the emperor, she is absolutely loyal to the emperor and the imperial concubine! I beg the emperor to give her a chance!"

Shi Fangxuan was also trembling with fear from the fourth master who suddenly changed his face, knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly: "Emperor, Your Majesty, people's daughters admire the emperor, and people's daughters must take good care of the emperor and imperial concubine. Companion is also good"

"What do you think you are?" Fourth master almost didn't feel aggrieved, and said coldly, "What do you think you are?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the two of them and took Su Peisheng away with a cold face and angrily.

If it wasn't for the relationship between the Mu family and the historian, he would definitely not forgive these two people, it's simply inexplicable.

Is he that hungry? Who gave them the confidence and courage?

How dare you say such things in front of him!

The fourth master left angrily, the Zhang mother and daughter in the private room looked at me and I looked at you, their faces were all pale, and they didn't recover for a while.

Mrs. Zhang clutched her chest and tremblingly said, "Why, how could this happen, how could this happen!"

Shi Fangxuan also flushed with shame and fear.

The mother and daughter are like dreaming, they can't figure it out, isn't the emperor such a gentle and kind person? Why, why did you get angry all of a sudden?

Mrs. Zhang felt even more incomprehensible, her own daughter was not bad, the historians had plenty of money, even if her daughter was not the daughter of an official family, she was raised with fine clothes and fine food, she was fully qualified to serve the emperor!

She is innocent, there is nothing wrong with her, and there is a relationship between the imperial concubine and the Mu family, so why did the emperor just turn his back on it?

"Xuan'er, you said, you said the emperor would order us to be arrested and put in jail, right? No, no way." Zhang slumped on the ground, her body was so weak that she couldn't even get up, she was terrified.

It turns out that the emperor is not kind at all, is it so scary?

Shi Fangxuan's face turned even paler when she heard these words.

She bit her bright red lips, and tremblingly said: "No, no, Your Majesty, Your Majesty won't be so narrow-minded."

But as she spoke, Shi Fangxuan began to cry, "Mom, what should we do, woo woo woo!"

She doesn't know if this will happen, she doesn't know!

The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried.

While crying, the door of the private room was suddenly opened, and someone walked in. The mother and daughter felt awe-inspiring at the same time, and suddenly looked up towards the door

Let's say fourth master went downstairs and got into the carriage with a cold face, without saying a word.

Su Peisheng hurriedly followed with a blank face, not daring to show his air, and secretly complained that the mother and daughter Zhang were out of tune.

Originally, the emperor was in a very good mood when he left the palace today, but who would have thought that such a terrible thing would happen at this moment, what a disaster from heaven!

Sure enough, he, the fish in the pond, was hurt again, right? The emperor didn't show a good face, maybe he would be scolded even if he made a slight mistake.

Now he is only looking forward to returning to the palace, to the Yikun palace as soon as possible

Seeing the imperial concubine and empress, the emperor will be in a good mood.

The cakes had already been bought, Fourth Master got into the carriage and was ordered to return to the palace.

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