Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3110 Zhang's eyes flashed with pride

For Zhang's words, Liu is half-believing.

But she also believed that Mrs. Zhang would not dare to tell lies, at least they really met the emperor in Yonghe Tea House and talked in the private room

Otherwise, once this kind of lie is exposed, the consequences are not something she can afford.

Mrs. Zhang saw Mrs. Liu's face was ugly but refused to speak, so Mrs. Zhang said, "Sister-in-law is thin-skinned, she won't tell Mrs. Luo, so I will tell Mrs. Luo myself!"

"Miss Xuan is my daughter, I can't leave her alone."

Liu: ""

Liu's face was livid with anger, his hands were a little itchy, and he wanted to slap Zhang's face.

"Don't act recklessly!" Mrs. Liu said through the gap between her teeth.

A look of satisfaction flashed in Zhang's eyes.

Liu's words have already expressed her attitude, so she can rest assured.

"Then I'll wait for good news from my sister-in-law."

Mrs. Zhang left proudly.

Mrs. Liu sighed, her headache was about to split.

After being in a daze for a while, Mrs. Liu had no choice but to look for Mrs. Luo with a sigh.

Hesitating to explain the purpose of coming, Mrs. Luo endured and endured so that she could not show the face of her in-laws.

She has been walking with historians in the south for many years, how could she not know who Mrs. Zhang is?

The historian is also kind, and it is enough for the eldest daughter-in-law to be smart and capable. The other daughter-in-laws don't need to be smart, so they just turn a blind eye and let her have nothing to do, and she will cause some troubles. come out.

Unexpectedly, she actually brought the storm on her own head.

"Since that's the case, I'll go into the palace again tomorrow and talk to the imperial concubine, let's see what the imperial concubine has to say." Madam Luo tried her best to maintain a smile.

Thankful and ashamed at the same time, Mrs. Liu smiled wryly and apologized again and again, then hurriedly nodded: "Naturally, how can outsiders have the final say on matters in the palace? Of course you have to ask the imperial concubine!"

Mrs. Luo smiled, expressed her understanding to Liu Shi, and said: "The temperament of the Zhang brothers and sisters is really reckless. Youdao is unpredictable, how many capable men accidentally fall On top of this, he ended up with a broken family from being the most honored and favored, let alone other people? When we go back, my mother-in-law should also tell the family, otherwise if one day recklessness gets into trouble, this is no joke."

Liu's heart trembled, she was so shocked that she almost broke out in a cold sweat, she nodded quickly: "What my in-laws said is absolutely right, isn't that the reason?"

She will remember this matter. She can't control Mrs. Zhang now, but the elders in the family can.

Let's just talk about meeting the emperor by chance, why is she so bold and dare to rub against the emperor? If a sentence or a half is wrong, it will really kill you.

She deserves her own death, but if the whole family is implicated, then death will not atone for the blame.

Not to mention going back, even if she is in the capital now, if she goes out again in the future, she has to send someone to follow her carefully.

The next morning, Mrs. Luo handed over the sign and entered the palace to meet Mu Jin.

If it is someone else, it may not be possible to enter the palace with the daily delivery card, and Mrs. Luo is naturally not among them.

Mu Jin was very happy to hear that her mother had come, so she smiled and said, "Did mother come to visit me specially when she is free, or is there something else at home? But no matter what it is, I am happy when mother comes. "

Mrs. Luo made her laugh amused by her words, how could it be said that a girl is caring? Only a girl would say such things.

"Mother is equally happy to see you," Mrs. Luo sighed with a smile, "But I have something to tell you when I enter the palace today."

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