Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3126 The mother and daughter of this historian are confused

As for what Longkodo said about how serious Xingfan's head was broken and bleeding, fourth master and Mu Jin didn't really believe it.

Perhaps Xingfan's head was really bleeding and injured, but it was definitely not as serious as Longkodo said.

Because Longkodo didn't ask for an imperial physician.

That being the case, where can it be serious?

After a long commotion, it was already past the time for dinner, so the fourth master ordered the meal to be served, and the two of them did not mention the meal.

Nanny Yan went to Mu's house and didn't return until dark.

The key to the palace gate had already been opened, and it was all due to the special gold medal. Only then did Madam Yan call to open the palace gate, and first went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to hand in the gold medal.

At this moment, Fourth Master and Mu Jin had already gone to Yikun Palace, and Nanny Yan hurried back to Yikun Palace.

Mu Jin and Fourth Master were accompanying Ji'er, and when they saw Nanny Yan coming, they ordered the nanny to take Ji'er back to take a bath and rest, and hurriedly asked Nanny Yan: "How is it, what did my mother and Mrs. Shi Jia say?"

The fourth master looked calm, and gently shook Mu Jin's hand, "Jin'er, don't worry, Sister Yan, please elaborate."

"Yes." Nanny Yan answered with a bow.

Nanny Yan has always been considerate and meticulous in her work, and it took a long time to go this time, because she clearly asked every detail of the question.

From how Xingfan and Shi Fangxuan got to know each other, how they got together after that, and what happened today, they all asked clearly.

Shi Fangxuan, a young girl who was not very experienced in the world and not very smart herself, separated her from Mrs. Zhang, asked her alone, and easily emptied all the truth.

Where is Shi Fangxuan's opponent? Even if he wanted to hide something, it was all taken out in the end.

Mother Yan was speechless when she heard it, and said that the Sixth Miss of the Shijia was young and ignorant, with a simple mind and girlish feelings, it is understandable that she would be confused for a while, but the second wife of the Shijia is old, why is she still so confused?

Instead of stopping it, he helped Miss Shi cover up and let her hang out with Tong Jia and the third son.

If it weren't for a coincidence and luck, Miss Shi Jia suffered a great loss, and the marriage would have to be settled if it didn't work out, I'm afraid the woman would have to hurry to get it done.

Mu Jin and Fourth Master were both annoyed when Mammy Yan said everything.

This historian mother and daughter are really a pair of fools!

Xingfan's way of acting is simply full of evil intentions!

She deserved to have the historian's nanny smash her head!

Mu Jin felt that if a girl from the Mu family was cheated like this, she wouldn't need to do anything, her mother would smash the other's head with her own hands, and kick her a few more times by the way.

I have bad intentions, mean and shameless, and blame me for being smashed? If you don't hit me, who will you hit?

Although Shi Fangxuan was also at fault, but she was a little girl who didn't have much experience in the world and didn't understand anything, but she was unlucky enough to have an incomprehensible and confused mother who was deliberately set up to hook up with a wealthy, beautiful, status-oriented, gentle and considerate girl. Passionate, how can the little girl resist?

Fourth Master sneered: "I knew that my uncle's words were not trustworthy at all, heh!"

Fortunately, he had the face to go to the palace to file a complaint. With a gray beard, he was still very sad and indignant in front of him, with a choked voice—he could pretend!

Fourth Master's heart became colder and colder. If he could pretend to this point, then how could anyone believe what he said in the future, even if they were sincere from the bottom of his heart?

I'm afraid I can't believe a word!

As far as Xingfan's behavior, which is equivalent to seducing and defrauding a marriage, he can say such words as infatuation and infatuation, it can be seen!

Mu Jin was even more confident, and said with a sneer, "Your Majesty, you have accepted the concubine's position, so you are not allowed to play tricks. The concubine will definitely beat the mandarin ducks this time."

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