Mrs. Shi said indifferently: "My second younger brother and sister got angry because of this matter, and they got better yesterday, who would have thought that when they got up for a walk and heard about today's incident, they were so angry that they fainted on the spot and broke their heads , it is being raised in the Mu residence at the moment, how did it come about?"

"Our Sixth Miss is also sick with anger. She sheds tears every day and almost hangs herself. Now it's just a matter of being watched closely and comforted all the time. It's even worse."

"Don't worry, Aunt Li, I am the eldest daughter-in-law of the historian family, the future clan wife, and I am the master of the affairs of this generation and the next generation of the historian family!"

Without waiting for Li Si'er to say anything, Mu Jin said: "Since Mrs. Shi can make the decision, this person is all right. Mrs. Shi will tell me what happened that day."

"Yes, imperial concubine." Mrs. Shi explained in detail about Xing Fan's head being smashed.

From what she said, of course it was another version.

It was Xingfan's own fault.

As for Xingfan's head being smashed by a vase, it didn't do anything to the Mu family. The Mu family just knocked him on the back of the neck to knock him out. Come down and hit your head, it can be seen that God can't stand it anymore

"It's just nonsense!" Longkodo was shocked and angry, "It's absolutely impossible!"

Li Si'er wailed: "Oh my god——"

"Shut up!" Mu Jin yelled, "In front of the emperor, Aunt Li is going to act like a street shrew?"

Li Si'er's face turned pale.

Seeing the deep disgust in the fourth master's eyes and his face livid, Long Kedo hastily knelt down and pleaded guilty: "Mr. Li is ignorant, the imperial disgrace was not intentional, and I ask the emperor to forgive me."

Fourth Master said coldly: "Get out! Kneel down!"

It's enough to reward the imperial court for being disrespectful, who does she think she is?

Longkodo's heart trembled, and he didn't dare to say any more.

Li Si'er was so frightened that his heart beat wildly and he was a little confused. Before he could recover, he was escorted out by two eunuchs and knelt outside the hall.

She looked at Longkodo in fear, but Longkodo didn't even dare to give her a look.

if not? what can he do It is a serious crime to be disrespectful in front of the imperial court. If the courtier Xungui dared to do this, a meal would be light, and it would be normal to be demoted and dismissed.

The emperor is not as knowledgeable as a little woman like her, but if someone pulls her down to see her, who would dare to intercede?

Isn't that deliberately trying to hinder the emperor's eyes?

Out of the corner of Longkodo's eyes, he couldn't help but cast a cold glance at Dai Jiashi. If she didn't teach Si'er etiquette, how could Si'er be like this?

The corner of Dai Jia's mouth twitched secretly as if she didn't see it, oh, it's her fault. Well, she's used to it anyway, although she doesn't know where she went wrong. Anyway, in her master's weird logic, Li Si'er's fault is all her fault

So what? Anyway, seeing Li Si'er being pulled out and punished to kneel with his own eyes was quite refreshing.

No matter how much her master blames her, she is also the wife he is marrying!

Without Li Si'er, the shit-stirring stick, things would be much easier to handle.

Where is Longkodo's opponent against Mrs. Smith?

Moreover, Mrs. Smith's statement has reason to have witnesses.

The family member of the Mu family and her confidant mother-in-law saw with their own eyes that Xingfan got drunk and carried Shi Fangxuan to the guest room at the back—if he hadn't harbored evil intentions, who would open the guest room when he went to the restaurant for dinner?

Longkodo was speechless.

According to Mrs. Shi, his son and the Sixth Miss Shi Jia have no love for each other at all! It was his son who was stalking him!

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